Student experience at Purdue

<p>Are there any Purdue students on this board who can share their experiences about the university (particularly from engineering)? How accepting and friendly is the students body? Do the professors teach the class or just leave the job to the TA? How easy is it to get internships and co-op opportunity? After graduatiing with a Purdue degree, how is the job market...will I be able to find a job? Do majority of people with an engineering degree get a job or are they unemployed?</p>

<p>I'll most likely major in chemical engineering.......thanks for answering any of those questions. It will be really helpful.</p>

<p>The student body is very friendly. I had friends from many different disciplines, not just engineering. Most of Purdue's students have solid midwestern values, so you should expect that sort of personality.</p>

<p>Although lectures in lower level classes are given by professors, labs and recitations are usually taught by TAs. Those classes include basic engineering math, physics, chemistry, statics, mechanics, fluids, etc. However, most professors are glad to answer questions if students stop by their offices and many hung around the lecture halls as long as students were asking questions. Humanities courses taken by engineers are almost all taught by TAs. All my classes in junior and senior year were taught by professors. With only a couple of exceptions, those professors had a real knack for teaching. </p>

<p>Purdue is a large school, but the professors in your engineering discipline will get to know you fairly well. I got jobs, both part-time while in school and full-time after I graduated, through professors.</p>

<p>Although I graduated long ago and things may not still be the same now, everyone in my class who wanted to co-op found a job. Co-oping is a great way to find employment after graduation. </p>

<p>As for employment after graduation, I don't know the current situation, but everyone with a 3.0 or higher GPA in my engineering discipline was either employed or going to grad school upon graduation.</p>

<p>A clarification on the GPA in my prior post... if Purdue still uses a 2-6 point GPA, that would be above a 5.0 on Purdue's system.</p>