Student Football Ticket Opt-in Follow-up Emails

<p>After opting in on mybama, did anyone actually get a confirming email? Has anyone received the email saying when you can purchase tickets (supposedly out today)?</p>

<p>Just checked for you. No and no. </p>

<p>Sent from my DROID RAZR using CC</p>

<p>Son says he received his.</p>

<p>Nope…D has not received a confirmation email…sort of worried here.</p>

<p>No follow up email here.</p>

<p>My son just recieved his this afternoon.</p>

<p>They are being sent as we speak.:)</p>

<p>This is not for incoming freshman? Right?</p>

<p>This is only for RETURNING STUDENTS</p>

<p>D got her email this afternoon.</p>

<p>Thank You C2M. too much going on right now I can barely keep up</p>

<p>TxNewCollegeMom, it only gets worse until late August, at which point you are recovered enough to start fretting that you are not hearing from your child enough or are hearing from your child too much, etc.</p>

<p>Oh lord… right now I have:

  1. car show at our church that we organzie and I am over registration that is Saturday
    [The</a> Heights Car Show](<a href=“”>
  2. High school band trip leaves next Friday. I am the organizer for the entire trip.
    What the heck was I thinking - smh
  3. Oh, graduation announcements to order you say… yikes
  4. One transitioning from middle school to high school
  5. That one is in band as well and I’m in charge of all of the incoming freshman activities like the cookout the last week of school.
  6. Band banquet in a few weeks, yep, I’m in charge of that one
  7. Prom
  8. 8th grade formal dance (WHAT?!?!?! It’s the same night as Prom!)
  9. Graduation Party… guess we better order a cake… and invites
  10. Oh pooh, those sorority recs need to get put together
  11. Bama Bound to head to the morning AFTER graduation
  12. Summer church camp for both only 3 days after Bama Bound
  13. Summer school at UA for session II
  14. Did someone say, summer band practice? Can I cry now…
  15. There BETTER be a vacation in there somewhere
  16. and that durnit full time job now at our business
    That is why I was like… oh dear, if she missed opting in for football tickets, I’m in big trouble! Well, D will be but it will still fall back on mom. </p>

<p>All I know is that next Tuesday I will be enjoying a day at the spa with a good friend.
No one better try to call me!</p>

<p>I LOVE IT!!! You have truly joined the land of do-it-alls, here on CC. Kindred spirits. I love to hear about someone who has this much on her plate. And, if I’m honest, a tad jealous that you can do so much. Yay!</p>

<p>Also, question: I heard that the cost of $70 + $6 fee will be charged to student’s account if they actually purchase the ticket package. How many games is that for, and what are the dates (if anyone knows). We’re not football folks, so point me in the right direction, please. Thanks.</p>

<p>Sorry, question #2: confirmation email stated that student had a particular date and time to purchase tickets. Is that date/time unique to that student, or are all returning students purchasing at that same time/day? In other words, is there a different date set aside for different classes or ranks of students?</p>

<p>Tickets would be for the seven home games, aeromom.</p>

<p>So, unlike Freshman, who choose between 2 partial packages, returning students are all or nothing, I guess. Yikes. That’s a lot of football (for S). I know the rest of you probably can’t get enough!</p>

<p>Tickets can always be donated back to other students.</p>

<p>Lord Saban, forgive aeromom, for she knows not what she’s saying. :)</p>

<p>As robotbldmom says, your son can donate or sell the games to other students. I’m sure there are many parents of frosh on here who would gladly give you the $10 to transfer a ticket to their students in order for their student to attend a game not in their package.</p>