Student/Teacher Ratio

<p>I recently heard reports that the student teacher ratio can be inflated by including everyone who works under the University system such as the janitor and the landscaping team to financial aid administrators and admission reps. Is that true? And if it is not than what exactly does the student to teacher ratio include?</p>

<p>not the supporting staff !
from an article that i’ve read in Newsweek,they included professors who are on
sabbatical, on leave, & otherwise “not-in-school-teaching-at-the time” but still a faculty members…
they may be out doing research only etc,
when they do the ratio, so the ratio is less.
hope i am wrong.</p>

<p>Are you sure its not the siupporting staff? If a school did include the supporting staff in their equations would that be at the least unethical?</p>