<p>The more I think about this, the more I realize the benefit of the doubt must be given. “You are intelligent for a black person” could mean “black people are inherently stupid and you are unusually intelligent for your kind” or it could mean “I have always disagreed with the prevailing stereotype that black people are stupid, and it is refreshing to meet living proof that the stereotype is wrong.”</p>
<p>But again, someone who is not thinking about race in the first place would never have a reason to make that comment.</p>
<p>That’s because he apologized. A microaggression does not make one a bad person (anyone who says otherwise is being overly sensitive). Refusing to acknowledge that microaggressions exist or refusing to believe one is capable of committing them is bad though. If Biden had failed or refused to acknowledge that his comment was potentially offensive it would have been a different story.</p>
<p>In regards to Clinton, the Kennedy’s tanked Hillary and supported Obama in the wake of the Clinton remark (among other things) (<a href=“Bill Clinton told Ted Kennedy that Obama 'would be getting us coffee' a few years ago: 'Game Change'”>Politics News - New York Daily News). What job at the time should people have been asking Bill to resign from? Additionally, the comment you are referring to is an alleged one reported in a book, not an actual public statement which might explain why there wasn’t a huge response.</p>
<p>Around the same time, Harry Reid made a similar type of comment: <a href=“Senator Reid Apologizes to Obama for Remark on Skin Color - The New York Times”>Senator Reid Apologizes to Obama for Remark on Skin Color - The New York Times; and in fact, “One adviser said that Mr. Reid’s aggressive response was an attempt to avoid the fate of a recent Republican majority leader, Senator Trent Lott of Mississippi, who stepped down after making a racially tinged remark in 2002.” Again, a racial micro aggression is not the end of the world, refusing to acknowledge it is a problem though. In fact, Al Sharpton accuses Hannity and Fox News of focusing on Reid’s comments over clinton because of the fact that reid was a sitting senator despite thinking that Clinton’s comments were actually worse <a href=“http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/75627-sharpton-bill-clintons-remarks-may-have-been-racist”>http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/75627-sharpton-bill-clintons-remarks-may-have-been-racist</a></p>
<p>Switching back to Reid. It’s not even fair of the NYTimes to equate Reid’s comment with Lott’s. Lott’s comments were not a micro aggression. They were not a compliment with a little racial bias on the side or an offensive but well meaning comment/question. They were an overt racist comment about how the country would have been better off without the civil rights movement being endorsed by the federal government.</p>
I agree that people should be given the benefit of the doubt in the fact that micro aggressions don’t mean someone is a bigot, but your 2nd interpretation doesn’t make any sense as a motivator for the statement. If you don’t think the stereotype that blacks are dumb is true, why would you enforce it by saying someone is smart for a black person? Why add the qualifier if you don’t think it belongs?</p>
<p>@i<em>wanna</em>be_Brown It would be a really poorly worded complement. A gaffe, so to speak.</p>
<p>I love Joe Biden. I read most of his autobiography. I was a pre-teen when he said those remarks, and I don’t know what context he said them in. But I’m pretty sure Democrats got up on him on that. Not too much though because they had an election to win. </p>
<p>@awcntdb I think you have a problem with liberals in general. You’re just trying to use race as a factor. I’m not gonna lie. I use to be a welfare queen. But don’t worry, my mom ain’t lazy. </p>
<p>@halogen I’m pretty sure you thought a microagressive remark. I’m pretty sure everybody did. I know I did. I agree with you that sometimes its not the perpetrator fault. It’s NEVER the victim fault. But if you didn’t say/think any microagressive remarks, then that’s pretty amazing. It’s a problem if you don’t see race. It means you’re erasing my history. Forgetting white people’s past mistakes. I’m glad you’re aren’t racist though. </p>
<p>@i<em>wanna</em>be_Brown - I apologize for the slow response. I have been busy with my DS college admissions. </p>
<p>Well, I am glad to know it is that simple. Someone can think and assume supposedly weird things about others, voice those things as microaggressions, and then all he has to do is apologize and all is good again. </p>
<p>Excuse me if it is difficult for me to buy if the comments by Biden and Clinton were said by a conservative who had never done anything to anyone, if it would be so easily dismissed with an apology. </p>
<p>This apology thing, I do find interesting. I did not know that people who complain about microaggressions could be placated and pacified so easily by others who engage in microaggressions simply by hearing an “I’m sorry” spiel. </p>
<p>I will try saying exactly what the liberal politicians above said wearing an NRA t-shirt, and I would love to see if my apology is accepted. I will not hold my breath though. My point - I think it is way deeper than the apology. People seem to take a lot of punishment and abuse if they think they will somehow get paid off by the punisher. </p>
<p>We can agree to disagree on the issue.</p>
<p>@BeStillMyHeart - I do not have a problem with liberals, in general; what I have a problem with is illogical people, in general. If they happen to be liberal, then such is the case. </p>
“my” history. Interesting. I would never have thought that historical facts regarding people who look like me are “my” history or that historical facts regarding people who do not look like me are “their” history. Fascinating concept, though. I will have to remember that.</p>
<p>How about you provide an example of someone commuting a microaggression and getting as crucified as you claim. G</p>
<p>Sorry for the typos. On my phone and it won’t let me edit</p>