<p>As a student traveler and forum member, I'd like to introduce a wonderful resource that I've worked very hard to create: Students</a> in Europe</p>
<p>Students In Europe aids the young traveler with stories, budget tips, location information, etc.</p>
<p>And SIE is always open to suggestions! If you wish to see a topic covered, ask via this thread or via our Facebook fan page (StudentsInEurope.com) and we'll get on it.</p>
<p>This is great! I spent some time looking around, is there a section for students doing their entire undergrad degrees abroad? If not, I think that would be really interesting.</p>
<p>Hi Elizabelle, I hope you dont mind me posting here, but I too am working on a blog while I am abroad for the year. It is still very much a work in progress, and as such, at this point, its alot of small stories and pictures. Over the course of the year, I hope to add tavel tips and the like, and hopefully it will come up to your sites standard. I think it will be a nice compliment to your blog as well.
[Study</a> Abroad Blog](<a href=“The Study Abroad Blog - Nate Nault”>http://thestudyabroadblog.com/)</p>
<p>Hi nhgolfer, I actually looked at you blog as well! I’ll be (hopefully) attending University of Edinburgh next semester, so I found it pretty helpful, thanks for posting the link! Are you at St Andrews for the year or semester?</p>
<p>Hi Sarah9, my daughter will be attending the University of Edinburgh for the Spring semester as well. Are you definitely going? My daughter applied directly to the University and isn’t going with a program. What is your situation and what college/university do you attend now?</p>
<p>nhgolfer21, I saw your blog over the weekend - it’s great! Send me a direct message if you would be interested in forming some sort of partnership or link exchange!</p>
<p>Hi Sarah9, luckily I’ll be at St. Andrews for the year. Feel free to ask any questions about school in Scotland. I try to cover as much as I can in the blog, but I’m sure Ive left stuff out. The best way to reach me is through the blog [Contact</a> Me | The Study Abroad Blog](<a href=“The Study Abroad Blog - Nate Nault”>The Study Abroad Blog - Nate Nault)</p>