<p>Hey guys, </p>
<p>I am currently studying in Sydney, Australia at the Uni of Sydney. I am keeping a blog of the stuff I do at Chandler</a> in Sydney </p>
<p>I know I wish before I came over here I had an idea of what Sydney was like, so I am partially making this blog for other students so they can get excited for study abroad before they leave or to encourage students who maybe wouldn't go otherwise to give it a shot. </p>
<p>I am going to be here until the end of June, so I should have good updates until then. </p>
<p>Chandler</a> in Sydney</p>
<p>Hey everyone,</p>
<p>I’ve been studying abroad for the past year at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland, and I’ve been keeping a blog of my experiences at [Study</a> Abroad Blog](<a href=“The Study Abroad Blog - Nate Nault”>http://thestudyabroadblog.com/) - you’ve probably seen the blog in some of my other posts.</p>
<p>I decided to post my blog under this thread, because like Chandler, I write my blog for those who are planning to study abroad or who are already abroad. I’ve got info on studying abroad itself, tips on traveling, and stories from my own experiences. I’ve been in Scotland since September, and I’ll be here until the end of May. I hope you’re able to find all of the answers you’re looking for on the blog, and feel free to contact me if there’s anything else you’d like to know.</p>
<p>[Study</a> Abroad Blog](<a href=“The Study Abroad Blog - Nate Nault”>http://thestudyabroadblog.com/)</p>