Study Abroad / FSP Admissions?

<p>I know there's an application process for the study abroad programs, and prerequisite courses that need to be taken - but just how hard it is to get on, say, the Bio FSP (which I want very badly)? I understand that students with more coursework in the field (Ecology stuff) will have an edge but how much of an edge? Is it something to have to worry about other than taking the prereqs? </p>


<p>That FSP, which IIRC goes to Jamaica in the winter, I have heard is extremely hard to get into. Many of the other ones are much easier. Most of the LSA’s, however, seem to be a guarantee.</p>

<p>Eep, thanks for the reply - that worries me!</p>

<p>As a note though, the FSP will be easier to get into if you are a bio major with an ecology concentration.</p>

<p>That’s actually what I’m planning to do, though, btw.</p>

<p>I feel like the best thing to do is to demonstrate your obviously intense interest in the subject. I applied for the Art History FSP, having never taken a Dartmouth class in it, because I just really loved art and Rome, and I showed them. Although perhaps the program’s need for males may have played a part in my acceptance.</p>