Study Abroad Opportunities?

<p>I was reading a Mergers and Inquisitions article about building up your story and the two things they recommended to really set yourself apart (other than your GPA) were Internships and Studying Abroad. I'm only a junior in high school so I clearly have time to decide what college I wish to attend, but I figure the best time to begin preparing is right now. My main question is this, does anybody know of a university with a good undergraduate accounting program as well as a decent study abroad program? Currently, I am looking at Ohio State, Duke, UIUC, and Binghamton. Also, where would be a good place to study abroad if you intend to go into finance? I read somewhere that Switzerland had some of the best international banks in the world. I also heard that England had a few as well. If anyone has any knowledge of these subjects, I would be quite grateful if you would share! Thank you!</p>

<p>Also, I will link to the article mentioned in an edit.</p>

<p>Are you an international? If you want to go international, London is the place to be (I’m assuming you’re talking about IB and finance). London has lots of great hedge funds that employ people from all over the EU.</p>

<p>It will be difficult to get an intern or job, so work your cold calling and email research magic full time!</p>

<p>Also Silicon Valley has lots of great intern/job opportunities, especially on Sand Hill Road. Stanford is right next door too!</p>