Study Abroad: Oxford?

<p>A dream of mine is to study at Oxford or Cambridge. I was browsing through the Study Abroad database and found the IFSA-Butler: Oxford University really appealing. </p>

<p>Does anyone know how competitive acceptance is? With a GPA requirement of < 3.6, I would assume very competitive amongst those who apply. </p>

<p>Has anyone done study abroad through UNC before?</p>

<p>Actually, there are only about two competitive study abroad programs at UNC. I read an article in the DTH about this earlier. I think of the 80 people who applied to study abroad last semester, maybe 10 of them didn’t get their first choice program. I was one of them!! Haha… whoops!</p>

<p>Basically, the program I applied to is a Honors study abroad program with CET in Beijing. You do a language intensive program in the spring, then they match you up with a job during the summer in Beijing. All of this requires some knowledge in Chinese, and is free. They pick three students a year for this. I didn’t get past the final round, but then was automatically accepted into the language intensive spring program… and have to pay. But I applied to the program because it fit me, not necessarily because of its lack of price tag, so I was really happy with how that all went down.</p>

<p>The other competitive program is the one in Cuba - I don’t know very much about it except the people who go love it. I’m sure the website could tell you more.</p>

<p>Basically, if you meet the criteria of the program, you can study abroad.</p>

<p>The southeast asia summer program is another competitive one.</p>