Study abroad recommendation letter help?

I want to study abroad in Australia next spring. I need my application completed by February 1st and one recommendation letter is required to apply. I’m not extremely close to any of my professors, but there is one professor that knows me better than the other professors I’ve had. I got an A- in her class and she’s able to recognize me outside of class. I want to ask her to write a recommendation letter for me, but I honestly don’t know how. Should I email her? Or would that be rude and should I see her in person after winter break? Any advice on getting recommendation letters from professors would be great since this is the first one I’m getting and I will need to ask for more in the future. Thanks!

I would talk with her in person and ask what she requires for writing recommendations. Some folks will write them only for those they work closely with; others write them for anyone who asks. And many folks will ask you for info/background on the program you’re applying for, why you’re interested in it, and why you’re a great candidate for it. You can get that info ready to go now, so you’re prepared when you meet her.

Good luck!

If you can see her in person a couple weeks before the deadline, that’s preferable, but you also want to make sure she has time to write a good one, so emailing her is fine. I say give it a shot and ask her. It might help to give her your resume as well.