Study In Mexico or Canada?

<p>Which is more realistic?</p>

<p>I'm Mexican American (My parents being natural born citizens of Mexico) if that is any help.</p>

<p>However, my family is quite poor.</p>

<p>I want to know which universities in either country are recognized and the best? (In your opinion)</p>

<p>I would Study in the US, but universities here are relatively overpriced, if you ask me. </p>


<p>I am mexican!(:
Well in my opinion it all depends in the major you desire to pursue…</p>

<p>I am planning on studying in Canada, so I’ve made some research and according to the rankings, McGuill and the University of Toronto are the two best general universities in the country. Although international students have higher fees, most are definitely lower than those in the USA.</p>

<p>In Mexico the UNAM is definitely, according to rankings and my own opinion, the best university in Mexico. If you have a Mexican nationality then it is practically free. Although I must say their admission exams are quite hard. </p>

<p>I chose Canada because it has way more job opportunities in my career, regarding a research area, plus you have a broad job opportunity, and you aspire for a better lifestyle. Though it is way more expensive than Mexico.</p>

<p>Though Mexico lately increasing greatly, plus it is an incredibly beautiful country. College fees are lower and being an american you have great job opportunities.</p>

<p>If you want, you can tell me your major or area, and I can tell you which mexican universities fit the better (:</p>