Study regime?

<p>How do you guys have the drive to start a study and work on it for weeks on end? I start things but never seem to finish them, any tips?</p>

<p>I just made rules for myself along the lines of … I can’t do X (watch TV, nap, chat with friends, whathaveyou) until I finish Y. The “X” was the distraction or just default hang out state and the “Y” was the next chunk of homework. It was an ongoing conversation with myself.</p>

<p>I also made daily and weekly goals for my homework so that I knew I was staying on track. </p>

<p>And I employed a whole raft of good homework techniques that worked well for me. I study best in the morning, so I often got up early to get most of it done for the day. I studied/wrote best with long uninterrupted periods of time, so I used Saturdays and Sundays for homework jam sessions from about 8am - 3pm whenever needed. Etc. </p>

<p>It is about putting in the hours with real concentration–so set aside the time and just do it.</p>

<p>Thanks for the tip! Very helpful!</p>