Stupidest reason child won't look at a college

<p>But it is easy to buy a wifi router to plug in and it will provide wifi to your room. My DD at Columbia Teachers College had to do that.</p>

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<p>@agentninetynine - love your name and picture!!!</p>

<p>@DEfour - too funny about Roanoke!
@iadorking - also so funny - can totally see my smart daughters saying the same things, and meaning it!</p>

<p>Forgot about this one. Hated the restrooms in their school of arts and sciences</p>

<p>My D wouldn’t look at any college in Ohio, even though she looked in Michigan, Indiana, and Wisconsin, not sure why. I attended UT Knoxville and never owned a single article of spirit wear, could not stand the color orange for clothing!</p>

<p>@momfromme, I’m not too surprised at Columbia taking forever to get wifi. I lived in that neighborhood 20 years ago (in the pre-wifi dark ages) and a friend in our building told us that the Upper West Side/Morningside Heights area was notorious for having some of the worst radio/tv reception in the country. I was on campus last week and noticed a couple of spots where my phone had minimal or no service.</p>

<p>As for stupid reasons not to look at colleges, I heard one last week when talking to the mom of a junior who won’t look at any instate schools, public or private. It might be understandable if it were a small or isolated state with few schools–but we’re in NY. His mom is really mad about it and has tried a number of tactics but nothing has worked. </p>

<p>I didn’t apply to Cornell because both of my parents went there, and the weather up there was horrible. Plus it was in the middle of nowhere. Ugh. I was even born in Ithaca. But I could not stand Cornell.</p>

<p>Still loved/love Purdue though
 Boiler up!</p>

<p>@crepes as a New Yorker as well that seems to be a mentality among many high school students, I see it at my school and even with my friends. I think it’s awful because there are so many great schools here with a lot to offer, but everyone wants to leave.</p>

<p>Only in semi-jest, my DS couldn’t bear to look at any school with the same color scheme as the Big Rival of his own high school! </p>

<p>My son declared that he would apply to University of Denver, but “only as a safety.” After he decided to go there, with no shortage of enthusiasm, I asked why he’d been so ‘meh’ about it before. He said, “the crappy computer science building, but really because you [me, i.e., mom] were making such a big deal about it.” </p>

<p>(I’d only wanted to take a picture of it, because OK, it WAS absolutely the ugliest, dumpiest college building I’d ever seen; but I didn’t think I was making a big deal about it!) Apparently he’d misunderstood when they’d told us when the new building would be done, but when he got the right info, his objection evaporated.</p>


<p>Tons of reasons on this thread that would seem stupid 20 years on, but your’s isn’t one of them. Some folks prefer certain locales/cultures. Dunno why you’re frustrated. Why does it matter what her other options could have been if she doesn’t actually care for them? Unless no CA school is a match for her personality/interests/career future (which seems doubtful).</p>

<p>D refused to apply to our in state flagship university after seeing it because it resembled her high school (70’s poured concrete, bleah!) Was accepted at Connecticut College but thought the camel as a mascot was silly (but that’s not the reason she turned it down.) </p>

<p>I eliminated Harvard because the security guards were really mean to me.</p>

<p>My d loves Shake Shack and hates In n’ Out. No west coast schools for her.</p>

<p>@AnnieBeats: That’s just not right. How could anyone hate In N’ Out? ;)</p>

<p>Please don’t turn this into an In n Out culties vs haters thread.</p>

<p>Regarding UW-Madison. I absolutely did not want to go there eons ago because I was from the suburbs. I wanted to leave town. No tuition reciprocity with Minn back then, thank goodness (at that time the chemistry labs at Wisconsin were up to date, Minn’s were old
). Went to UW and loved it- entirely different world than the rest of the area. Actually had HS classmates in a couple of honors lit (pre AP days) classes but otherwise rarely ran into anyone I knew.</p>

<p>Some of D’s comments:</p>

<p>Penn State - too much farm country
NC State - not enough green space
University of Richmond - No, I hate spiders!
Georgia Tech - no bees for that matter.
Harvey Mudd - “Who? What kind of college has a name like that
Emory - No it sounds like a nail file.
Vanderbilt - I don’t like country music</p>

<p>Prefers somewhere not too far from grandma’s house (nothing north of NYC) it’s too cold
Tulane - No, it’s too humid and it would frizz my hair
The state that the college is in must touch water (as in ocean, no joke)</p>

<p>Ugh, the search goes on

<p>VA Tech- Most of the dorms don’t have AC. Too much snow.<br>
Any school in Louisiana- "but you went to school in La
Prefers any school with a gaming club as in video games. :)</p>

<p>re- state must touch water- don’t forget the Great Lakes. The U of Wisconsin is on a nice lake as well. Shh- don’t tell her about winters, tray sledding down the hills

<p>I wish I could persuade her to keep her options open but that’s her way of narrowing down the choices lol! The cold would kill the deal. Even to go North she’ll need a wardrobe change since we’re lucky to get snow once or twice a winter and it’s gone in a couple of days.</p>