Stupidest reason child won't look at a college

<p>@aussiemom - UNC-CH, Wake Forest, Duke, VA Tech (although Hokies and orange/maroon may be hard to overcome)?</p>

<p>I agree, great choices! I couldn’t get her to look at Duke because she said the area around it is “sketchy”. Same with WF, doesn’t like Winston-Salem. VA Tech (good school) but it’s too rural. She will apply to UNC-CH since it’s a high match (in-state but haven’t visited yet) but she prefers smaller schools. She likes Davidson and will apply but it’s pretty close to us. Maybe she’ll fall in love with UNC-CH because she does look good in Carolina Blue ;)</p>

<p>University of Arkansas because of the school cheer “Woooooooooo, Pig ! Sooie!”
DS said it reminded him of ‘Deliverance’</p>

<p>Even though Deliverance was set in Georgia

<p>@AlbionGirl, I think your son has a point on that one. :)</p>

<p>I ruled out Cornell as an option because a lady at an admissions seminar said that the school was about to celebrate its “sesquicentennial anniversary”. How pretentious can you get? </p>

<p>Aussiemom, my D at one point said she wouldn’t dream of a school that was more than 50 miles from the ocean, because looking at the ocean helped her deal with stress. The school where she ended up was about a hundred miles from the ocean, and as far as I know she’s never made the trip. Sometimes the requirement is as much to do with coded comfort zone as anything else. No cities=no scary unbelonging; not too big=I’m afraid of being lost, etc. I think it’s important both to take the stated requirements seriously, and with a certain elasticity born of knowing that requirements are made to be broken :)</p>

<p>S1 would not apply to colleges in Upstate New York because “upstate New York is for summer camp, not college.”</p>

<p>Also, was not interested in Case Western because “everybody is from Ohio and they are all fat.”</p>

<p>@AlbionGirl, I would think the same about OU! Their fight song drives me nuts!</p>

<p>Boomer Sooner, Boomer Sooner
Boomer Sooner, Boomer Sooner
Boomer Sooner, Boomer Sooner
Boomer Sooner, OK U! </p>

<p>Oklahoma, Oklahoma
Oklahoma, Oklahoma
Oklahoma, Oklahoma
Oklahoma, OK U! </p>

<p>I’m a Sooner born and Sooner bred
and when I die, I’ll be Sooner dead
Rah Oklahoma, Rah Oklahoma
Rah Oklahoma, OK U! </p>

<p>It is NOT at all pretentious to state the upcoming age of the U. Wisconsin celebrated that- count forward from 1849. </p>

<p>@wis75, I was wondering when it became pretentious to use the correct word. Is “centennial” pretentious? “Bicentennial”? Or only the more rarified ones?</p>

<p>I hate fight songs that use the tune of another college that still exists and has a football program. That’s why Boomer Sooner gets under my skin. (It also seems weird to me that Auburn uses the Battle Hymn of the Republic/John Brown’s Body as a fight song tune. Using the marching song of an army that defeated and occupied the college’s location? Maybe it’s like a minority group reclaiming a slur, but to me it doesn’t make a lot of sense.)</p>

<p>UGA and Ole Miss also play Battle Hymn tune -I thought Auburn was copying them but apparently its popular across the country.</p>


 from whom did OU borrow the song?</p>

<p>OU trivia 
 does anyone know what “Boomer” and “Sooner” reference? When I found out I was very surprised.</p>

<p>Some pee-wee league football team in New Haven. </p>

<p>BTW, the SEC isn’t a bastion of mascot or song originality. In addition to recycling the Battle Hymn, you’ve got three schools that use the same mascot (Tigers) and two others that share another (Bulldogs). But at least there’s no Demon Deacon. That thing is just creepy. </p>

<p>Okay my Ole Miss grad husband just about throttled me for mentioning they play the BHR - uhmmmm no - that would be Dixie they play! Sorry dear
corrected. I know there is a 3rd school we heard that song played at last year because I thought it odd that an Alabama school and a Georgia school both played that song as a cheer.</p>

<p>Boomer Sooner - related to the oil boom, the discovery of the largest oil field, and rushing to get the free land

<p>The dressed up version of the Demon Deacon looks very creepy indeed. I am susprised that I have never stumbled across a mascot thread on CC!</p>

<p>I work walking distance from Tufts, land of the Jumbos, which is on my short list, but Minnesota’s Golden Gopher is easily my favorite. I sorely regret not buying an “(image of Goldy) is my Homeboy” tee-shirt when my daughter and I toured the campus. </p>

<p>The dressed up version of the Demon Deacon looks very creepy indeed. I am susprised that I have never stumbled across a mascot thread on CC!</p>

<p>I work walking distance from Tufts, land of the Jumbos, which is on my short list, but Minnesota’s Golden Gopher is easily my favorite. I sorely regret not buying an “(image of Goldy) is my Homeboy” tee-shirt when my daughter and I toured the campus. </p>

<p>Sooners were those who jumped the gun on the Oklahoma land rush. Boomers were those who followed the rules. Tom Cruise explains it all in Far and Away.</p>

 from whom did OU borrow the song?”</p>

<p>Yale’s “Boola Boola” became “Boomer Sooner.” “Boola Boola” is still used at Yale (Boola Boola is the sound of the Harvard team crying when they get crushed
though that hasn’t happened very much lately).</p>