Stupidest reason child won't look at a college

“I will not wear that gaudy orange, I will not. It is not my color wheel and I’m not gonna wear it.” ~ Leanne Tuohy, The Blind Side


My kid took a school off of the list because he didn’t feel like he’d fit in with the other kids on the tour. The school has a <10% admit rate so most of those kids won’t even be admitted…

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My son almost took Appalachian State off because here in NJ we say “App-uh-LAY-chee-in” and when he did the virtual tour as soon as she said “App-uh-LATCH-un” he said he couldn’t go there because of that… lol.


This was part of the reason my daughter took Georgetown off her list too…

^^Same here, but she didn’t like the PARENTS on the tour. The kids were too quiet and the parents were, and I quote, “psycho.”

@PetraMC - LOl. Well she is pretty accurate I’d say for many tours we saw! Parents who would NOT stop asking a million questions and then smiling awkwardly at their kid, etc., etc.

It was simultaneously fascinating and disturbing. ?

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@Schadret that’s funny because we’re in NJ and we say it “App-uh-LATCH-un”! Is yours a class of 21? My D just applied.

@NJWrestlingmom I am in NJ and we say it App-a-lay-chee-an

I’m in NC and the correct and only way to pronounce it is App-uh-LATCH-un. And yes you will be very very wrong if you pronounce it any other way at App State.

I can make a good case for WHY that is actually the correct pronunciation anywhere — it comes from the Appalachee native American tribe, same as why it is App-uh-LATCH-i-cola Florida, not anything else. Just really really wrong sounding to say it with that long A sound. Like nails on a chalkboard.


@NJWrestlingmom yeah he’s applying now, graduates '21. He actually does his entire senior year at Kean University (normal college classes and schedule, but senior year of HS, just the arrangement his school has) so hopefully wherever he goes some credits will transfer. At the moment his top schools would be App State, Ball State, Univ of South Florida and maybe Rutgers (Rutgers, unfortunately, would be the most expensive even though it’s in-state).

My kid took University of Houston off the list for two reasons (as we were driving to the campus for a scheduled tour)

a) "did you just see that strip club next the Nieman Marcus?!?!? Has this city never heard of zoning?!? (we were driving past the Galleria Mall area lol)

b) it’s a swamp…I can’t live here

We never made it to the tour.

Many years ago I had a friend named Leigh. She wouldn’t consider Lehigh because she was convinced that every time she heard the name of the school, it was someone accusing her of being high!

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@PetraMC , that was one of the many reasons we took Princeton off our list. :slight_smile: Intense parents and silent students.

@Momof3B - Zone d’Erotica… :wink:

Houston is not particularly photogenic from the highway!!

D21 hasn’t taken any off the list for crazy or minor reasons that I can think of.

We tried to convince him to give it a chance and at least take the campus tour but he flat out refused! We literally just continued on and drove back home to Dallas lol.

Ha! opposite here. When we visited Kenyon, lots of kids had other colleges’ sweatshirts on and that bothered S19.

With her stats, U of Arizona would be practically free BUT… too much dessert, too many cactuses. OK, I would get it – if not for the fact that 1. she has about 20 miniature cactuses in her room 2. Claremont Colleges, at the edge of the California desert, are at the top of her list. Oh, well…

Not sure if it’s really dumb, but D21 won’t consider a good instate (Virginia) school because so many from her high school (2nd or 3rd largest in the state) go there and we refer to it as (her high school’s name) 2.0.

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Wahoowa!! As a fourth generation grad of UVA, I joke that my blood is blue and orange.

@NOVAGirl87 Why would she apply ED to UVA then? Or is that not correct?