Subject Test Scoring?

<p>I am taking the US History and Biology M test in May to go along with my AP Tests. I know for AP tests there are pretty wide scoring ranges, but how is the scoring on SAT II Subject Tests?
I know that Bio is 80 questions and US History says 90-95. US seems like a lot of questions for one hour...
How is scoring for these tests, do you have to get perfect to get an 800, because that seems ridiculous.
Thanks for any info you guys can provide.</p>

<p>The scoring on each test is different, as each test has different curves that they use to determine your score depending on how others did and so on. You can usually find a rough calculation of your score from taking practice tests in study books and using the conversion table each book provides.</p>

<p>Here’s a table I found from SparkNotes.</p>

<p>US History:
[SparkNotes:</a> SAT Subject Test: U.S. History: Scoring and the SAT II U.S. History](<a href=“]SparkNotes:”></p>

[SparkNotes:</a> SAT Subject Test: Biology: Scoring the SAT II Biology](<a href=“]SparkNotes:”></p>

<p>As you can see, the biology test has a much higher curve than the US History test.</p>