<p>I have a 2150 on my SAT but I am super worried that I will fail miserably when I take the subject tests. But really, would getting a 650 be that horrible? Or is it the norm for most accepted students to be well into the 700’s? For those who attend or were accepted in the past at BC, what were your SAT II scores? If I have a strong application, will that outweigh poor SAT II scores? </p>
<p>I am not looking for someone to say “most schools want you well into the 700’s.” I know, and of course a 700+ is better than not, but could someone give me some CONCRETE answers?</p>
<p>My scores: 740 Math II, 720 Foreign Language</p>
<p>BC, like most schools, doesn’t publish average test scores for SAT Subject tests. Although with a median/mean (among enrolled students) score of ~2050, I would imagine that at least a 650+ would be expected. However if you’re applying to CSOM they would probably prefer to see a 700+ Math II score</p>
<p>Okay, thank you.
much appreciated.</p>
<p>concur with askjeeves. The average ST is probably in the high 600’s, but CSOM will look for a strong M2.</p>
<p>I am applying for physics so I assume they would want a high Math 2 score for that too.</p>