<p>List your favorite subjects in order, only the main five to keep it simple, and an explanation for why:</p>
<li><p>Science - the cutting edge of the world today, definitely the best</p></li>
<li><p>Math - useful for everyone, no matter the job (and it comes to me naturally)</p></li>
<li><p>History - learning about history can be fun sometimes (world war I & II), and not so fun (american government)</p></li>
<li><p>Language Arts - subjective, boring, and reading (zzzzzz). sucks…</p></li>
<li><p>Foreign Language - useless</p></li>
<li><p>Foreign Language - can opens doors in the future, plus I think it’s fun learning new languages. Want to be a translator for the UN. </p></li>
<li><p>History - I love learning history</p></li>
<li><p>Language Arts - depending on who’s teaching it, it can be great and spark imagination or an absolute horror. This would have been first on my list if it weren’t for the connection to analyzing texts and finding the hidden symbolic meaning behind a snotty tissue in Shakespeare - which of course is always a sign of oppression.</p></li>
<li><p>Science - Astronomy and computer science in particular.</p></li>
<li><p>Math - I hate it. Which is unfortunate since I intend to major in engineering.</p></li>
<p>-sci…bio and chem is interesting if i get it…not a fan of physics as of yet
-math…simple and easy…learn the formulas…and get it…
-language arts…umm…i guess i like reading?
-foreign language…its easy for me
-history…absolutely hate it…i don’t remember anything in order…and i don’t have any interest in history whatsoever.</p>
<p>-History/Social Studies: I love the philosophy aspect, the evaluating and analyzing.
-French: Languages are awesome. It’s like a combination between math, social studies, and English–there are formulas, culture, and the same parts of speech as English.
-English: I’ve always had horrid, horrid English teachers, but I love reading and writing despite that.
-Math: I’m no prodigy, but I like the challenge of it.
-Science: Biology in particular.</p>
<p>Ironically enough, I’m applying to a science and math school for next year… But I actually really love science and math (I just have a place in my heart for the humanities), excluding freaking Biology and Environmental Science.</p>
<li>Science – Amazing subject, incredibly interesting an very fun to learn about and do, very, very useful.</li>
<li>Math – I enjoy solving puzzles (although the dynamic ones in science appeal to me more) and it’s fun to work in the internally consistent axiomatic systems that we’ve made up…</li>
<li>Language Arts – I’m an avid reader and I like learning about the various adventures that others have partaken in. A fun bit of escapism awaits me in most books, though I can’t say that I’m a fan of didactic novels or poetry – keep your bloody musings in a clear, concise, non-fiction form, kthxbye.</li>
<li>Foreign Language – I’m very much interested in travel so this allows me to prep for the countries I’ll eventually be visiting and better experience their cultures, etc.</li>
<li>History – Mind-numbingly boring and completely and utterly useless, for the most part, although some subjects in history can be fun.</li>
<li>Science - Mostly physics, because it is incredibly interesting and practical.</li>
<li>Math - Because it is the foundation of our known universe.</li>
<li>English - Because it is responsible for communication between (English speaking) people.</li>
<li>History - Because it is the source from which everything we know is derived, it defines us as a people, and it is an invaluable source of learning.</li>
<li>Foreign Language - Because it provides adequate communication among foreign nationalities.</li>
<p>But yeah I definitely have to say I love math Because it is the foundation of our known universe Because it is the source from which everything we know is derived </p>
<li><p>Science (Physics > Chem > Bio) </p></li>
<li><p>History / Language Arts / Foreign Language</p></li>
<li>Math (though science is basically up there)</li>
<li>History/Foreign Language (Spanish FTW, graphic depictions of Andrew Jackson beating the crowd with his walking stick FTW)</li>
<li>Misc. Electives</li>
<li>History- I love everything about it.</li>
<li>Science- Extremly interesting, ESPECIALLY biology and physics.</li>
<li>English- It’s fun unless your studying a terrible book, but I’ve only had to suffer two bad books (The Chosen and Their Eyes Were Watching God) so far.</li>
<li>Math- Useless</li>
<li>Foreign Language- Useless</li>
<li>Random Electives- Useless</li>
<li>Bible- Useless</li>
<p>This is obviously based on teacher quality, to some extent. I would have put social sciences beneath Language Arts prior to my amazing APUSH class last year.</p>
<p>1) Math (The ONLY pure science)
2) Science (Physics >>>>> Chem >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bio
3) English
4) Foreign Language
5) History (h8 h8 h8)</p>
<p>Screw G – I never said they had to be complete, just consistent ;p </p>
<p>And math has nothing to do with science at all (one is analytic, the other synthetic, with the latter being approached empirically, lol)… there are certainly mathematical models and approximations for our observations, but they’re just that, nothing more. Math isn’t arrived at empirically…</p>
<li><p>Social Sciences: Politics, history, economics, and sociology are all relevant to our current lives. I feel that social sciences are extremely important because they contribute to a better understanding of society. And even if you’re the best mathematician/scientist/writer/what have you, you still have to deal with society. Unless you pull a Thoreau, but that’s a lot harder to do in today’s times.</p></li>
<li><p>Foreign Language: If I didn’t feel bad about the uselessness and immorality of living a hedonistic life, I would just learn foreign languages all day. Seriously. I considered being a translator once. I plan on polishing my Spanish and Chinese as much as possible in college.</p></li>
<li><p>Science: The only reason science is here is physics. I don’t like biology or chemistry much. They are important to understand, certainly, but only physics brings any sort of actual enjoyment. It’s nice to translate word problems and complex diagrams into mere algebraic equations…</p></li>
<li><p>Language Arts</p></li>
<p>I actually like English and math quite a lot, but there had to be a fourth and fifth somewhere. I’m sure English will move up next year, though, because my school’s AP Lit teacher is awesome.</p>
<p>math-amazing how so many things can be done with it - and i’m good at it so that helps
sci (mainly physics/chem) at a close 2nd-kinda the same, but it’s easier to see results than math
foreign language-it’s a whole new way of expressing yourself, i think it’s straightforward and easy, but still worth it
english-i wish we learned how to write better, but we usually focus 95% on reading books and talking about them (which doesn’t seem all that helpful once you repeat it all 4 yrs of HS). although we write essays, we never discuss many techniques for successful writing/grammar…
history-seems like a bunch of memorization to me. i don’t mean to come off as really mean or whatever, but I don’t find it useful at all. especially when its just about US gov’t, I could care less about how it works as long as it’s fine. Other people who enjoy it can deal with it</p>
<p>(coming from an engineer-hopeful)
my high school’s graduation requirements are 3 yrs of math/sci, 4 of eng/history, 1 of foreign language. I wish it was 4 yrs of math/sci and 3 of eng/history, to me it seems like math and science are generally more important. (not starting an argument!)</p>
<p>To me science and math weigh very differently (maybe i’ll get a rude awakening when I take physics next year). It goes:
1: science - Exciting and useful
2: Social Sciences - Come on, people and stuff that people do are interesting! Also what CC lurker said.
3: English - What is there to do with all the world’s greatest ideas if none can be expressed?
4: Foreign Languages - Used more as a tool.
5: Math - okay, ranking math last for a prospective engineering major is just wrong. Pure math is just so boring (on the other hand, stoichiometry is fun). I guess I need to move into calculus really quickly.</p>