It’s not a major class(first year German, and I entered in 3 years of Spanish), but I’m still really worried since I’m trying to apply to a honors program at the school if admitted. What should I do?
You can send an email to admissions, let them know you mistakenly left the class off, and ask them to please includevtjos Information when considering your application.
So even though this class doesn’t matter much, I should still bring it to their attention?
Don’t underestimate this class. Many selective schools want a **minimum ** of three years of foreign language. You are presenting more than the minimum, not something to take lightly
I agree to send the note. Letting them know you missed listing one German class is NOT going to make adcoms think less of you. It’s an admin detail, they will note it in the file. And they will see the class on your transcript. Just handle this.
Like everyone said, just note it as an oversight, and then Read this, to cheer yourself up:
thank you guys all so much, I’ve let them know and am now awaiting a response