Submitted FAFSA for 2008-2009.. oops :(

<p>Ok so I'm totally retarded and just realized I filled out the wrong FAFSA form and submitted and stuff... Since I'm entering college fall 2009 I should fill out the 2009-2010 form right? Should I just fill out a new FAFSA form?
Thanks in advance guys...</p>

<p>Yes you will need to fill out the 2009-2010 one. The good thing is that you will be given the option to have the personal information (adresses etc) automatically filled in. So you will just have to enter the financial information.</p>

<p>I see… Will the schools that I put down receive the 2008-2009 one still? >.></p>

<p>yes they will. You’re not an admitted student for 2008-2009 school year so they won’t probably do anything with it. </p>

<p>Don’t worry about it. You’re not the first to do it. And at least you realized it before you missed any deadlines! A kid last year missed out on a big state grant because he did not realize until after the deadline that he filed the wrong year’s FAFSA.</p>

<p>Okay thanks a lot :D</p>