<p>I submitted my common app online, but later I looked at the supplement and it said it needed to be mailed. I am wondering how I can check to see if it has been received. Also, am I okay if I submitted the suplement online?</p>
<p>Since when does it say it needs to be mailed? When I go online to CommonApp and start the supplement it says “University of Richmond allows this supplement to be submitted Online.”
I can’t find anything about it to be mailed.</p>
<p>Sorry for this confusion. When we did the PDF of the Supplement this summer, the process for uploading to Common App was not in place. Obviously, the process is NOW in place and you can upload the supplements but we just didn’t get the PDF re-done because we typically only do that once a year and were too busy to notice this ourselves. You can either upload to Common App or mail it (you would be mailing us your response to the Richmond Question). Either is fine and makes no difference to us, however, please choose one method or the other. When people do both, we spend a lot more time with duplicate documents and it really slows things down. </p>
<p>Thanks for pointing out this issue.</p>