<p>Can you suggest some schools for my friends.</p>
<p>He wants to major in business and minor in music.<br>
He has a predicted 30 IB point total. That's probably just in the top 70% of a really competitive school.
His SATs are about 1120, but he's re-writing them.</p>
-Varsity Soccer (lettered all four years)
- Varisty Tennis(quit in gr 10)
-Varsity basketball (quit in gr 9)
-Varsity Volleyball (quit in gr 10)
-Really athletic.
-Random clubs, not much leadership tho.</p>
<p>Right now </p>
<p>He's looking at
Tufts, Northeastern, Babson, BC, BU, Bentley.</p>
<p>What are his chances at those schools and more.</p>
<p>Would suggest that he look at the University of Indiana in Bloomington -- its two best schools are its business (Kelley) and music. With his SATs and rank, this might be a possibility for him. Also based on those figures, I think the schools he's currently looking at could be out of his reach. If he wants to still look in the Boston area, he might have to look at other less selective schools.</p>
<p>Without getting his scores way up he can forget tufts, bc. He might stand a chance at bu, but probably not for business. He may be able to get into bu for gen. ed. and then transfer for business. Im not sure how this works.</p>
<p>He needs to be more realistic, and look at lower teir schools. Like college parent said Indiana is a good choice. If he wants the boston area, he needs to look at a different type of schools. There are plenty out there, use a college guide to get info.
Being athletic, or on a varisty team, will not make up for grades, unless you are being heavily recruited for your sport.</p>