Suggest Some Safeties/Matches?

<p>SAT I: 690 CR, 710 M, 700 W</p>

<p>SAT II: 730 Chemistry, 770 Math II, 640 Biology (ugh, but 5 on AP exam though)</p>

<p>GPA: 3.9882 UW (Most rigorous honors/AP course load possible)</p>

<p>Class Rank: N/A, but ~top 5% (I'm guessing) out of 200 at a tremendously competitive high school</p>

<p>EC: 4 years School Chorus, 4 Years Class Committee, 2 Years in a club that raises money for poor/starving children in Africa, 4 Weeks Foreign Language Program in France (accepted under a full scholarship), 4 Years Varsity Cross Country, 3 Years Varsity Indoor Track, and 3 Years Varsity Spring Track</p>

<p>Volunteering: 50 Hours-building houses for poor families in local communities (also with Habitat for Humanity), babysitting neighbors</p>

<p>Leadership: Captain of Cross Country, Indoor Track, and Spring Track</p>

<p>Hooks: White Male (lol), only one of my parents went to college, and my athletic ability might be good enough for D3 schools</p>

<p>I really want to run cross country and track in college.</p>


<p>Williams College-ED Athlete?
Haverford College
Amherst College
Bowdoin College
Colby College
Brown University
Middlebury College
Skidmore College
Colgate University
Vassar College
Wesleyan University
Princeton/Yale/Harvard University</p>

<p>I know I listed 2-3 safeties in that list, but can others suggest any more safeties or matches that aren't far from the New England area? Thanks.</p>

<p>Apply to UMass for sure. It sucks, but go there if financial aid doesn’t work out.<br>
Try Bard or Ithaca in upstate NY. Ithaca is especially a safety.</p>

<p>What state are you from and will you need financial aid?</p>

<p>CT, and I’ll need some financial aid.</p>

<p>How about Brandeis?</p>

<p>Any particular reason you’re not considering Bates? Great track team and track facilities + great service learning program. Seems like a fit in terms of ECs. Bates also has a great science program (better than many other LACs on your list). I think Bates would be a match/low match for you. </p>

<p>Check out:
[Bates</a> College | Men’s Track and Field](<a href=“]Bates”>2025 National Girls & Women in Sports Day - Bates College - Official Athletics Website)
[Bates</a> College | Men’s Track and Field Press Release](<a href=“]Bates”>2025 National Girls & Women in Sports Day - Bates College - Official Athletics Website)
[Bates</a> College | Men’s Cross Country](<a href=“]Bates”>2025 National Girls & Women in Sports Day - Bates College - Official Athletics Website)</p>