suggest to me a cramming schedule

<p>to study for the april ACT
any ideas or suggestions?</p>

<p>I'm cramming also. Here is my schedule. I have a book with 10 real ACT tests in it (given to me at an ACT prep course). I am doing two sections a day on the weekdays and two full length tests on the weekends. I will be finished with 10 tests by the exam. Also, I don't do any practice on Fridays. I reserve them for doing my homework for the weekend. Here's a sample schedule:</p>

<p>Sunday: Full length test
Monday: Take English/Math Sections...Grade and Review Errors
Tuesday: Take Reading/Science Sections...Grade and Review Errors
Wednesday: Take English/Math Sections...Grade and Review Errors
Thursday: Take Reading/Science Sections...Grade and Review Errors
Friday: HMWK only
Saturday: Full length test</p>

<p>Total tests for the week is 4.</p>

<p>Depending on how much time you have, this may or may not work for you. The key to this is to review your errors. This will ensure you won't make the same mistakes on the real exam. You should take your full length tests most seriously because they are the most realistic practice. Because it wouldn't be possible for most people to do the full length practice exams on the weekdays (because of a hectic schedule), two consecutive sections will suffice.</p>

<p>hehe, looks like i'm in the same position as you guys. except i've only did 4 problems on the math section. gotto make a promise to do nothing but look into the ACT book this saturday. xD</p>

<p>Well, it's probably a little late to be studying for it now, with only two weeks left. That is, unless you have an extraordinary amount of time to devote to it. </p>

<p>I've gone through about three or four books already just for practice, saving the two which are most similar to the real act test for last, since they will be closer to the test date. Princeton review and the Real ACT Prep are probably the main two you should concentrate on.</p>

<p>I did a section, break for awhile, another sections, break, etc. I havent done it actually like a real test yet, been too busy with school.</p>

<p>umm sometimes cramming just doesn't work lol. for me, studying doesn't work.</p>