Suggestions about a visit

<p>I will be visiting Wisconsin near the end of August and plan on going to the admissions meeting and on the tour. Anyone have any other suggestions about where to go/what to look for?</p>

<p>I am particularly interested in looking at dorms because I think that living situations and the way people interact in those living situations is what really distinguishes one school from another. I visited Miami, UMass and BU and was amazed at how differently people lived. Any suggestions about how to go about observing dorm life at a big school like Wisconsin without seeming like a *******?</p>

<p>Just as important to the UW experience. Walk out to Picnic Point</p>

<p>Have lunch on the terrace at Memorial Union overlooking Lake Mendota.</p>

<p>Get on the free 80 bus and take a ride around campus. You can pick it up at the corner of Langdon and Park across from the Union.</p>

<p>Walk up State St. to the Capital and then back down.</p>

<p>Make sure that you see the brand new dorm on Park St.</p>

<p>if you are especially interested in housing make sure to check out the public dorms, which should be included in your campus tour. but also the private dorms off of state st. <a href=""&gt;;/a> is the website of the company who owns them.</p>

<p>When I visited in March, my department gave me a copied guide from the NYTimes about what to do with 36 hours in Madison. I found a link to it here:</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Starts with a campus tour and goes on from there to get an idea of the city life there. As you are looking as an undergraduate, you may want to skip the pub crawl (but the pub food may be worth it).</p>

<p>Something that isn't on the list, but I really enjoyed was a trip to Vilas zoo. It's by far the best free zoo I'd ever seen!</p>

<p>I always enjoyed going to the zoo--cheap date too.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Don't forget to go online- UW has a great website. The campus map is interactive,tells which depts located in which buildings by clicking on sites. Res halls subsite has a lot of info on each dorm, click on all the subsites to find out info-eg loft guide shows interior pictures.</p>