Suggestions for a gap year? Please take a look!

<p>Hello! I'm currently a freshman in college, I actually just arrived last week. I know that people are going to think that it is to soon (or too late) for me to make such a decision, but I feel as though I need to take a gap year. Although I have only been at college for two weeks, I have come to understand some things about myself. I really feel as though I need to take a gap year doing service, an internship, academic research, traveling abroad, etc. I don't feel like I am fully prepared to continue on with college, and I also feel like my life needs to take a different path for awhile. </p>

<p>How can I explain this to my parents, who will most likely just believe that I am trying to get out of college and procrastinate? Any suggestions for gap year programs? How do I deal with telling my college about my situation? Who should I go to first? I really want to put a halt on college as quickly as possible and begin looking for gap year opportunities (if it is even still possible to find such opportunities), since I am certain that this is the path that I want to head down. I know that I should have been looking for programs earlier (this past spring) for a gap year, but I honestly didn't know that I wanted to take a gap year until I came to college, discovered another part of myself, and understood what my needs and wants are for my future.</p>

<p>Can I reapply to colleges this fall as a freshman again? Do colleges understand students taking a gap year? Will they look at me as weak, or will they understand that I needed to do something else with my life for a little while before coming to college? I will be turning 19 next week, so I am already pretty old for a current freshman. Would it be weird starting college next fall as a 20-year-old freshman? I would feel so old, but I'm honestly not ready to be a freshman this year. I really want to go do something else with my life for a year and become more secur with myself and what I want for my future.</p>

<p>Any help, suggestions, advice, etc. that anyone has (especially parents and students who have been in a situation like this or know of someone who has) would be very much appreciated. I really want to talk about this with my parents, but I feel like they will not understand and will make me stay. However, I feel unready for college, and I know that I need to do something else with my life.</p>

<p>Anybody, please? :) Please?</p>

<p>As a parent:</p>

<p>I wonder why you think you would be ready for an internship, travel abroad, research when you don't feel that you are ready for college. </p>

<p>Are you home-sick? Lonely? What is it about the college that feels overwhelming to you? </p>

<p>A TON of people feel the same way, and I encourage you to stick it out where you are and throw yourself into the courses you are taking. Perhaps go by the counseling office and see if you can make an appointment, join a club or two, GET INVOLVED and stay busy. I think you will be proud of yourself if you stick it out. </p>

<p>If it's something that you don't think you can do, have that conversation with your parents ASAP because you don't want to end up with a bunch of F's or WFs on your transcript.</p>

<p>It seems as though you know that you should spend your year doing something useful (which is a very wise idea), but time wise probably the most you can hope for is seasonal employement at this point. Regardless of what you do, I don't think that you will be able to convience anyone that your departure was anything more than cold feet. That won't reflect well, BUT sometimes we have to do what we have to do. More than likely, returning to that college will be unlikely, but there are other colleges you could attend later (state schools, community college, etc...) You DO have choices, just don't burn your bridges.</p>

<p>I'm not sure how you would take a gap year this late in the game... I deferred my enrollment last April to ensure my gap year.. but if you're looking for volunteer/research opportunities, there are tons of good organizations and websites to get your search started. A few to start with:
<a href=""&gt;;/a>
<a href=""&gt;;/a>
<a href=""&gt;;/a>
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>You might stick it out for the first semester. This would give you time to arrange what you would like to do with a gap year. It is also very possible that by November or December you might change your mind and decide to continue immediately with school. If you do a gap year, you could pick up second semester the following year. I don't think your school is apt to prevent you from taking a year and coming back.
Another issue is your parents' money. Even leaving early in the term, they are unlikely to get a full refund.
You should talk to your parents ASAP and maybe the counseling office at your school to help you think this out.
Good luck!</p>

<p>yea i agree with danas :D</p>