<p>White female from central Illinois
ACT: 36
SAT: 1470 (720 V, 750 M)
(Note: Both are without writing. I intend to take SAT with writing this fall and send in the ACT as is. Also will be taking SAT IIs)
GPA: 4.3w/4.0
AP: Psychology - 5
Senior year - AP French, AP US Gov, AP Computer Science
My school doesn't offer AP English, but I plan on taking one or both of the tests.
Other lacking APs due to scheduling issues for the most part, but my school does offer more than I'm taking - will this hurt me? I'm especially worried about the lack of Calculus.
Rank: 1/~360</p>
<p>ECs, Awards, Leadership:</p>
<p>Speech Team (10, 11, 12)
- Regional and Sectional Champion in Prose Reading
- State Finalist (5th place) in Prose
- Many regular season awards in Prose and Dramatic Interpretation
Choir (9, 10, 11, 12)
- 2 years in District Choir, 1 in All-State (3 and 2, depending on next year)
- 3 years in girls' a cappella group
- 1 year in madrigal singers
Musical Theater
- Company in Show Boat, Oklahoma (community) and Music Man, Joseph (school)
- Leads in West Side Story (school) and The King and I (community)
- 10 years of lessons
- 3 years on dance team (2, however, were in junior high, so not necessarily something I'll put on apps)
- Major choreography for Easter event attended by over 6,000 people
- Participation and minor choreography for other various church events
- 12 years of lessons (at the end of this year)
- Volunteering - play at church service at nursing home
- Consistently high rankings in annual Piano Guild auditions (superior and superior plus)
Math Team (9, 10, 11, 12)
- Various placements at regional level, including 2nd place in individual geometry, alegbra 2, and 1st in individual pre-calculus
- Placements in group events at state level, individual qualification (don't know specifics - have to look them up)
- Math Honors Society (Mu Alpha Theta)
French Club
- Vice-President
- French National Honors Society
Book Club
- Co-founder
- Vice-President
National Honors Society
Youth Leadership Team at church
State Farm Insurance Internship
- Mostly one-time things through church, but many of them
- Two mission trips to Mexico building houses
- Nursing home piano playing (mentioned above)</p>
<p>What I'm Looking For:</p>
<p>A Core program similar to that of U Chicago or Columbia, but not necessarily required
Semi-conservative, balanced, or at least not overwhelmingly liberal atmosphere
Looking to major in English, History, or Classical Studies
Easily accessible theater and music programs for non-majors
Close to or in city (not as important)
Smaller LAC, though I'm open to anything that's not 40,000 students
Would like possibility of merit aid
Study abroad options</p>
<p>Schools I am Looking at Now</p>
U of Chicago
Washington and Lee
Washington University
William and Mary</p>
<p>Yes, it seems rather random at times. But I have reasons.</p>
<p>Does anyone have other suggestions for me? Reasons any of the above may not be what I'm looking for? Advice on which are reach, match, and safety?</p>
<p>All help is appreciated.</p>