
<p>Hi, all :] I'm really new here. Anyway, I'm an eight grader who really wants to go to Milton Academy, Phillips Exter, or Phillips Academy Andover. I'm in all AP classes due to the middle school AP program. I take Latin and Greek ROOTS. I think this is bad, but I'm going to take Latin in high school. I don't plan on applying until my sophomore year in high school due to financial reasons, so I was wondering what I could do with all my extra time to help my chances of getting in. I'm taking the SATs and the John Hopkins test (I don't remember what it was called) soon, and trust me when I say I've been bloody studying. I'm in Track, Cross Country, basketball, and play badminton and tennis quite well. These sports range from two to four years. I've played the flute for, I think, four or five years, the guitar for two years, and the piano for one year. I dabble in drums and saxophone. I'm great at science, math, and social studies, but I don't stink horribly at LA; I just find it somewhat boring. I've been part of Girl Scouts for two years, and I will earn my Silver Award soon. Due to Girl Scouts, I've been volunteering. In high school, I plan to join JROTC (the Air Force one). I know I'm not the greatest choice for all these schools. My parents are busy with work and thus, I can't participate in as much things as I've wanted to (all the pick-ups and drop-offs). But what do you think my chances will be? Any suggestions? Thank you in advanced! (If you see this is the college section, it's that I mixed the two up xD)</p>

<p>“Middle School AP Program”??!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!</p>

<p>I’m speechless.</p>

<p>I thought Middle School AP sounded extraordinary, but I found articles where students in Kentucky, California and Texas are given those opportunities:</p>

<p>[Advanced</a> Placement - Middle School](<a href=“]Advanced”>
[</a> - California School Spends $10G a Year to Teach AP Spanish to Kids Who Speak Spanish - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News](<a href=“,2933,499445,00.html]”>,2933,499445,00.html)
[AP</a> Middle School Spanish Program / News Archive : Plano ISD](<a href=“]AP”></p>

<p>Guess it’s not that uncommon?</p>

<p>I live is Massachusetts where in fourth grade you take a test, and if you get higher than a 95th percentile, you are chosen to a program called ELC. After completing that, you move on to a middle school where they house the AP program for middle school students. So, we didn’t get a choice; you had to be chosen. After middle school, from what my teachers have said, we are allowed to choose all AP classes in high school with no questions from teachers.</p>

<p>Haha, I wish I had that in my middle school.</p>

<p>I thought it was too early to have pre-AP classes before your junior year.</p>

<p>So, any suggestions of what to do to up my chances of getting in?</p>

<p>To me, that’s just impressive itself. :)</p>

<p>It’s up to them if they want you or not. Maybe get a job over the summer or take summer classes or something? They’re fun! Lol :D</p>

<p>Are they the same AP courses you would take as a high-schooler? If so, what will you take in high school?</p>

<p>Anyway…I think too many ec’s. Lose a few and really focus on the ones that are left. You don’t need to play 4 sports and two instruments…it’s more important that you really excel at one or two things.</p>

<p>Rofl, I am actually going to take a program in the summer xD</p>

<p>No, I learn things a grade higher than I really am in. So, I’m in 8th grade, but I’m really learning 9th grade things. In 12th grade, if I don’t go to a prep school, I’ll be taking college courses and earning credits. I actually wanted to learn the instruments for my own enjoyment xDD</p>

<p>What town do you live in? i used to live in MA.</p>

<p>I don’t really want to say… You know never give out personal information out on the internet. :stuck_out_tongue: But if you search Massachusetts, I think there’s a lot schools with AP middle schools (I don’t really know anymore. I though AP middle school was everywhere, to be honest).</p>

<p>haha ok i understand. im no stalker, just to make it clear, haha.</p>

<p>Hey, a fellow saxy! I play Alto, you?</p>

<p>To: Walden
Haha xD What if someone else saw this and was? xDDDDD Can’t take the chance :stuck_out_tongue:
To: Izzy Busy Bee
Same here. I just dabble in it; I’m not as serious as flute, guitar, and piano :P</p>