Sullivan Leaders Day

Anyone else headed to SU for Sulllivan Leaders Day? D19 is nervous and excited!

We went and thought the school did a wonderful job for both the students and families. Best wishes to all the students who are competing. Seems like a teriffic school.

Has anyone received any information regarding this scholarship?

I think they are supposed to hear by Friday if they are a finalist. My daughter got a very cruel letter in the mail from them on Saturday…It was just a letter from the school president congratulating her on her admission and telling her what the school has to offer. Ugh. Going to be a long week!

We received the letter from the President as well. Thought it was a very nice letter but certainly caused some pre-mature excitement. We are also under impression that our daughter will hear by week’s end about whether she moves on to next round. We did check the website and it does indicate that notification would be on or before February 19th. Not sure if something has changed or if they are building some cushion in?

My daughter said they told them they would get an email if they were NOT a finalist by the 8th. Hopefully they will know either way, so if it’s a yes, we can get plane tix before the prices go up! Good luck to your daughter!

Thanks for your well wishes… and the same to your daughter! I am also hoping for a healthy window for reasonable plane tickets–will see what happens. Kind regards -

This weekend, I received a poster with a quote from my common app essay on it. I heard of some people in previous years receiving this with their admissions packet, but I never heard of it coming this late. Did anyone else receive this?

My daughter got a poster too. Was so excited to see the big envelope…and while the poster is cool, was really hoping for Sullivan finalist invite!

Not a finalist - best wishes to those who are!

@303mom @VirginiaFam @gipmaster I’m new to the board so I’m just now seeing your posts. Do you know if this Scholarship was only for incoming freshmen? If so, do you know if there is one for upper grades. We’re from out of state and traveling for the interview would have made it hard so if they can apply while they’re in school, that would be great. Thank you!

My understanding is that it is a 4 year program, so only open to incoming freshmen. Not sure if they have another similar program that is for upper grades.