Hi everyone, I want to apply to one of CIEE’s study abroad programs, but I need some advice. I would like to apply for Japan, because I’ve learned a bit of Japanese on my own but haven’t ever had the chance to take formal classes. On the other hand, my mom wants me to apply for Germany, because she used to live there and feels that it’s safer and more familiar. She also thinks it will help me more for me future, since Germany is big on physics and engineering, and I want to study physics in college. However, that’s my exact argument against going to Germany. I feel like the point of this whole trip is to push your boundaries and step out of your comfort zone. My mom is completely right that I’d feel more comfortable in Germany; we spent a couple days there this summer and it felt no different than where I live now. On the other hand, the idea of going to Japan kind of scares me, but I really want to be able to push myself to take that risk, since I’m usually so cautious and always err on the safe side. Plus, since Germany would actually be really helpful for my future, I’m probably going to study abroad there in college anyway, while I might never have the chance to go to Japan. And I’ve already taken 4 years of German, so I would much rather just go to Germany and become fluent by talking to people, instead of taking classes like I’d have to with this program. But I really, really want those classes for Japanese, because I plan to study German in college and probably won’t have room for Japanese. So basically, my mom thinks I should use this trip to further my future, while I think I should use it to take a stab at something I might never be able to do again. Advice?
Have you submitted your essaysto college already? This is a wonderful beginner for an essay on how you choose to discover and stretch, knowing that you have a foundation and opportunities for a linear growth in one direction, but that you are young, with the world ahead of you, you often (sometimes/at times) choose to shift course and get a taste of what life is like while on a different course. Because you are not risk-averse, but are o p e n to all that life will bring to you.
Go to Japan. I don’t believe there is any place as safe as Japan, either.
I’d say Japan, too. Get a real dose of a different culture.
@Waiting2exhale @intparent Thanks for all your input! I really do think I’ll go with Japan!! (Unfortunately I have already written my common app essay but I might use this for another essay, thanks for the idea!)
Now the only issue is funding for this trip… Any ideas? I originally thought I was eligible for the scholarship they provide but apparently seniors don’t get to apply I need about $5000 plus airfare… Is this even possible anymore?? I REALLY want to go since I’ve already started the application process and gotten into contact with the people who coordinate the Japan study abroad program, but where do I get this money? I was thinking I could sell a bunch of old stuff I have laying around (ex: old phones, my game cube, my guitar, old vhs/DVDs/CDs, a bunch of books, etc) but I doubt I’d be able to get all the way to $5000 like that. I would work but I already have a job and I don’t think I have room to take on another one, plus the money I’m getting from this job is supposed to go towards two potential trips I’m going on this school year for one of my history classes… I really have no money to spare
someone suggested indiegogo but would people really contribute money to help a high schooler study abroad? My mom is completely unsupportive and doesn’t think I can pull this off… :((
Will she help pay for Germany? If so, you may have to be practical and go there. If not, she is honestly under no obligation to pay for this. She probably is thinking that you are going to need a lot more than that coming up for college, and she is not wrong. YOU need a lot more than that for college, too – spending every penny you have and then some on travel the year before college isn’t a good idea. You likely won’t get to $500 selling your stuff, let alone $5,000.
You should be able to study abroad during college, and your financial aid/cost is pretty much the same when you do that at most colleges. One of my kids went to a small LAC that is pretty committed to letting students study abroad, and she was able to study off campus two different semesters in two different locations. Maybe you need to look toward college for your experience abroad if your family doesn’t have the money.
I wouldn’t underestimate how different Germany is. Perhaps not that interesting, but believe, the culture will surprize you. That being said, if Japan is what really turns you on, I would say go with how you feel.
I have lived in both countries and all I can say is, if you magnify the character quirks and faults of the Germans about 1,000 times, you get Japan. Be prepared for an adventure in which you will discover things you can’t imagine now.