Summer at Stanford

My daughter received a scholarship to attend the summer session at Stanford.

What is the summer atmosphere like at Stanford?

Are there many undergraduates that attend summer classes?

We are from a small, rural farming community in North Dakota so this is going to be a huge change for her. Any suggestions or advice is much appreciated.

Which summer program? There are lots of them and the atmosphere will depend on the program.

She is doing the high school summer college program. Taking 8 credits for the 8 week session.

They started today, sounds like she is getting it figured out and exploring the campus.

I can’t wait to see it when I fly out at the end to get her!

My kid took a summer program there two years ago. While it’s certainly slower paced than the Fall and Spring, there are so many programs being offered in the summer, both academic and athletic oriented, that the campus is always quite active with students. The weather is currently in the 80’s +/-.