<p>UF has released the Summer/Fall 2013 course catalog! GatorSchedule.Net</a> .:. Course Search has been updated to include both semesters for searching!</p>
<p>Not sure what GatorSchedule is?</p>
<p>Looking for classes that meet your specific schedule and criteria? Avoiding Friday classes? Trying to get that specific Professor? Needing that one specific Humanities credit?</p>
<p>Searching through UF's vast course catalog has never been easier: GatorSchedule.Net</a> .:. Course Search</p>
<p>Fair disclosure: I developed GatorSchedule, but I generate absolutely no positive revenue (technically its a money sink since I pay to host it, but thats neither here nor there ) from it. Its a useful tool that UF itself should have developed, but oh well. I only ask that if you like it you spread the word about it, and if you don't, drop a comment as to why so I can improve it.</p>