Summer Intern:when do u start looking for opportunities?

<p>Hello! I'm a current college freshman now. I realized that most of summer internships are for sophomore or junior. The only opportunity I knew for freshman is JPMorgan's IB summer program. Unfortunately, the deadline was past when I got the news. I dont want to lose chances for my sophomore year. So might I ask when do you start looking for summer internships? Do you take advantage of college career service office or gatehr information about internships by other means? I'm regret now that I didnt make use of my college career service office cuz I might transfer to another college in fall this year. I didnt go there once though. I know I was silly...I must have missed some chances for intern already :(
Thank you, any input is appreciated!!</p>

<p>Lots of big companies hire interns in the fall…some will hire in spring but then it’s harder…if you start applying in the fall you have two chances to get the internship (fall and spring)</p>

<p>OP - Check with your career center. They will have all the information you need but in general, MSL2008 is right - most companies conduct their summer internship interviews in the fall (think October/November). Make frequent visits with your career center to make sure you get the schedule right.</p>

<p>Good luck.</p>