Summer Music Festival 2023

How did your son enjoy his various experiences? My daughter had an amazing experience at the Atlantic Music Festival (on Colby College campus). Her Vocal Institute was small so lots of attention, three performances, video of all performances, lots of advice for auditions and careers, and grad programs, and she made great friends.

Hope everyone’s experience was great!


We were just looking at the Atlantic Music Festival website yesterday while we were talking about potential plans for next summer :slight_smile: He had a great time at both programs, but especially loved the Akropolis one I think. They were both small groups working with composers and performing new pieces, and he’s very into contemporary music right now, so he loved them.

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Post-Castleman assessment: fabulous. He might go back next year, but probably only for three-weeks. Might go do a short quartet program with his quartet from Castleman; they want to play together next year if possible. Started college this week and at the conservatory part of orientation one of the profs saw his CQP shirt, did a double-take as she’s an alum from years ago, and immediately asked if it would be okay with him to be placed in a Chamber ensemble(I think first-years usually only do big group).

But again, I wouldn’t send a fifteen-year-old there. Not much in the way of supervision.