Summer Music Festival 2023

Thank you! Will ensure she has stocked up - being away for nearly two months means she should be anyway!

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You should send kids off with Corsi-Rosenthal boxes. If you donā€™t want to completely DIY, you can buy kits here:

Theyā€™ll fit in a suitcase and work against smoke better than commercial air filters. Iā€™m going to build a new one to send off to college in the fall; the one I built is way bulkier and wouldnā€™t be good in a dorm room.

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I hope everyone is having a good summer? DD24 is in her second week at BUTI - weather not great but the programme seems to be a big hit


We have heard nothing from S24 at kinhaven! Hoping that means all is great. No technology is an adjustment for those at home. Looking forward to seeing their first concert this weekend. The best residual of covid is widespread streaming of concerts!


Oh thatā€™s nice - BUTI donā€™t stream but you can get the recordings later; would be lovely to have a streaming option!

Yes. It is nice. But since they are not allowed any technology it is basically considered proof of life over here. Ha!!!


So whoever said Kinhaven is a special place is absolutely correct. S24 is there and saw us yesterday for a total of 10 minutes. He was engaged, happy, covered in bug bites and having the music and general time of his life.


Wonderful to hear - DD24 also having a fantastic time again at BUTI although the weather is much wetter than last year (so letā€™s bug bitesā€¦so farā€¦)


IN the few minutes we saw him the one thing that was discussed was the sheer number of bug bites he has and how the deet insect spray was doing nothing, ha! those new england mosquitos!


OMg. My kid must be in total shock. I am not sure he knows what a mosquito bite is about. We did pack some bug wipes.


Send treated clothing. Works better than DEET and less toxic.

CQP exhausting but amazing. Students need to be able to be independent, though. I would have done off-to-college training/conversations pre-CQP had I known the extent of their independence. I think Iā€™ve sent my son off to college before Iā€™ve sent him off to college!

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Does it work for exposed skin though? He is covered from knees down!

Live and learn. I never knew those things existed!

All I can say my kid is going to be better prepared next summer. His shoes are all destroyed. He is down to one pair of crocks now.

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No, the exposed skin still needs bug spray. But thereā€™s less exposed skin, so fewer places to bite and less exposure to chemicals.

@Medea1 , ignorance had been bliss in this case! You didnā€™t have need to know!


For bug bites, I recommend Lucasā€™ Papaw Ointment. I was introduced to it this summer, and itā€™s been a great relief for mosquito bites.


Just a general questions. Do kids get rejected from BUTI? Or do they mostly waitlist everybody? Just curious.

They definitely send out a lot of 'noā€™s - but there are also definitely more on waitlists then they are likely to need (the only later call for applications for an instrument this year was bassoon). I imagine it varies by instrument though?. Where did your DC choose in the end?


Kinhaven. He is loving it there.