<p>Hey guys!</p>
<p>I'm looking to do AP Chemistry over the summer (my school couldn't fit it into my schedule this year and it's required for colleges I'm looking at, poop), but I'm not really finding any good online schools that could work. Because of my school district, I am required to attend an online private school, and pay for the tuition myself. Lots of the schools that I've looked at don't offer the course, while others are charging 2k and more.</p>
<p>Schools that I've already checked and don't offer / fit my budget: Northwestern GLL, Johns Hopkins CTY, Laurel Springs, VHS, K12 International, Keystone.</p>
<p>Does anyone know of any other online schools that I can look into? I'm getting rather desperate.</p>
<p>I'm also going to look into taking the class at a local college, although my counselor has been subtly trying to deter me from that path. Or maybe a class at a summer camp? What are some ones that may offer AP Chem?</p>
<p>Thanks for all of your help!</p>
<p>local community college is an excellent idea, just get a few AP chemistry review books and self-study along with the classwork.</p>
<p>The only time chem (or other science classes) is not a good idea at community college is if you plan to be a pre-med. Some medical schools specifically disallow community college for pre-reqs and you may not be allowed to re-take in college. </p>
<p>@2prepMom I have never heard about that before! I am thinking of doing a major in Biology or a Pre-Med program, although a Biology major seems to be my first choice at the moment. How does taking a community college program affect a Pre-Med program?
Actually, my local community college doesn’t offer classes as advanced as AP Chem during the summer, but we do have a state university in town that I could probably take classes from. Would this still affect Pre-med too?</p>
<p>Thanks! :)</p>
<p>@bigbossman1 what a coincidence! Apex is exactly what I went with
did you take a course from then? How was it?</p>
<p>@bigbossman1 what did you think of the class? Did it prepare you well for the ap test? How were the teachers?</p>