Summer Program Big List- Data/Info - keep adding

<p>Sorry, I just realized I posted this in the wrong thread, I don't know how to delete it though!! Sorry!!</p>

<p>Anyone heard of, or have any experience with the "Sound of America Honor Band and Chorus" Sound</a> of America Summer Music Program </p>

<p>My daughter got a brouchure sent to her in homeroom today, I guess for making the PMEA honors choir Pennsylvania</a> Music Educators Association (PMEA) District 1 earlier this year.</p>

<p>Any more information on the Summer Intensive program at Broadway Artists alliance?</p>

<p>Sorry if this has already been mentioned, but has anyone heard of Making It On Broadway intensives? I read the book of the same name, and stumbled across the site today. I've never heard of it before, so I'm just wondering if it's reliable and if anyone has had any experience with it?</p>

<p>broadway artists alliance is amazing! i was at their last winter intensive this past february and at their summer intensive last summer.i also went to a spring awakening master class that skylar a. and a bunch of different cast members taught basically have a bunch of different master classes with countless artists, and perform your 16 bars/monologue/dance cut(depending on your major)for a BUNCH of casting directors at the end of the week. there were 15 cd's/agents/managers(in february) at the showcase and they all get your headshot and resume. it's a GREAT opportunity to get yourself out there. seriously. so far 2 BAA alum have been cast in spring awakening, 1 in billy elliot, 1 in 13, and 1 in gypsy. along with a bunch of other tours,'s a great program! check it out at Broadway</a> Artists Alliance. :)</p>

<p>Getting back to what this is supposed to be, I am adding The Ranch, a new three week summer camp located n No. California. I know all three owners personally and my D has worked worked several times with artistic director Jacob Brent, and I have worked with the CFO, Kathy Martinelli, and I cannot recommend them enough. It may be new, but I know this will only be the first year of many in a successful new venture. High levels of integrity to go with their talent, experience, dedication to youth and the arts, and business acumen. Try out a new coast this summer!</p>

<p>Some of these are listed twice, but I am merely copying the list. Maybe an admin could clean it up a bit!</p>

<p>Perry-Mansfield, Steamboat Springs, CO: Perry-Mansfield Performing Arts Camp - Preparing emerging young artists for the stage
UMich MT Summer Program, Ann Arbor, MI : <a href=""&gt;;/a>
arts camp in Ontario: Centauri Summer Arts Camp - Ontario Canada. Residential Arts Camps for kids and teenagers.
CalArts, in Valencia: Application Forms for California State Summer School for the Arts
CMU Summer, Pittsburgh PA: Summer Study Program from Carnegie Mellon
Creative Artists Institute - Home
Walnut Hill summer (ages 13-17) near Boston, MA: Walnut Hill
Interlochen summer, Michigan: Interlochen :: Summer Arts Camp :: Theatre Arts
Musical theater performance, Ithaca (NY): <a href=""&gt;;/a>
Syracuse University, Syracuse NY: Summer College at Syracuse University
The Broadway Theatre Project:
Tanglewood, Boston MAL Boston University College of Fine Arts
Wesleyan: <a href=""&gt;;/a>
OCU, Oklahoma City, OK: Oklahoma City University : Music : Performing Arts Academy
U. Miami: <a href=""&gt;;/a>
French Woods Festival of the Performing Arts: Summer Camp at French Woods. Performing arts, circus, dance, music, theater, sports, magic and more.
CCM, Cincinnati OH: Spend the Summer at CCM
CAP 21, New York NY: CAP21 - Musical Theatre Training
NYU Tisch pre-college CAP21, New York NY: <a href=""&gt;;/a>
North Carolina School of the Arts: <a href=""&gt;;/a>
The Broadway Experience, New York, NY: The Experience, College Search, College Ranking, Online College, Community College, Private College, State College, College Distance Learning, College Course Online, College Scholarship, Online College Degree, Education Financing, Student Loan Consol
California Arts Center:
Westminster Choir College: Home Page click on MT link
American Singer Seminars, Breckenridge, CO:
Explorations, New Haven, CT: exploration senior program : course listings
Summer on Campus: <a href=""&gt;;/a>
Idyllwood Arts, Idyllwood CA: Performing Arts School & Summer Arts Program from Idyllwild Arts Academy.
(Montana):Grandstreet Theatre - Helena, MT
Marymont Manhattan College, New York, NY: The York Theatre Company - Musicals in MUFTI
Brooklyn College Preparatory Center, New York, NY:[/url</a>]
Uarts, Philadelphia, PA:<a href="">
Vermont Vocal Arts Institute: Vermont Vocal Arts Institute :: Summer 2007 Program
Boston Conservatory, Boston, MA: 404[/url</a>]
Broadway Artists Alliance, New York, NY: Broadway Artists Alliance
Grandstreet Theatre School, Helena, MT
Notre Dame de Namur University/Broadway By the Bay, Belmont (nor cal), CA: About Music Theatre Conservatory
Stagedoor Manor Performing Arts Training Center: Stagedoor Manor - Performing Arts Camp - Acting Camp - Musical Theater Camp - Drama Camp - Theatre Camp - Theater Camp - Summer Camp - Musical Theatre Camp - Broadway Camp
Flying Swan Acting Program: Summer Performing Arts School: Flying Swan Acting Program
Boston University Summer Theatre Institute: Boston University College of Fine Arts
Northwestern's National High School Institute for Theatre and MT Extension (Cherubs): <a href="">
Perry-Mansfield, Steamboat Springs, CO: Perry-Mansfield Performing Arts Camp - Preparing emerging young artists for the stage
UMich MT Summer Program, Ann Arbor, MI : <a href=""&gt;;/a>
arts camp in Ontario: Centauri Summer Arts Camp - Ontario Canada. Residential Arts Camps for kids and teenagers.
CalArts, in Valencia: Application Forms for California State Summer School for the Arts
CMU Summer, Pittsburgh PA: Summer Study Program from Carnegie Mellon
Walnut Hill summer (ages 13-17) near Boston, MA: Walnut Hill
Interlochen summer, Michigan: Interlochen :: Summer Arts Camp :: Theatre Arts
Musical theater performance, Ithaca (NY): <a href=""&gt;;/a>
Syracuse University, Syracuse NY: Summer College at Syracuse University
The Broadway Theatre Project:
Tanglewood, Boston MAL Boston University College of Fine Arts
Wesleyan: <a href=""&gt;;/a>
OCU, Oklahoma City, OK: Oklahoma City University : Music : Performing Arts Academy
U. Miami: <a href=""&gt;;/a>
French Woods Festival of the Performing Arts: Summer Camp at French Woods. Performing arts, circus, dance, music, theater, sports, magic and more.
CCM, Cincinnati OH: Spend the Summer at CCM
CAP 21, New York NY: CAP21 - Musical Theatre Training
NYU Tisch pre-college CAP21, New York NY: <a href=""&gt;;/a>
North Carolina School of the Arts: <a href=""&gt;;/a>
The Broadway Experience, New York, NY: The Experience, College Search, College Ranking, Online College, Community College, Private College, State College, College Distance Learning, College Course Online, College Scholarship, Online College Degree, Education Financing, Student Loan Consol
California Arts Center:
New Page 1
Westminster Choir College: Home Page click on MT link
American Singer Seminars, Breckenridge, CO:
Explorations, New Haven, CT: exploration senior program : course listings
Summer on Campus: <a href=""&gt;;/a>
Idyllwood Arts, Idyllwood CA: Performing Arts School & Summer Arts Program from Idyllwild Arts Academy.
(Montana):Grandstreet Theatre - Helena, MT
Marymont Manhattan College, New York, NY: The York Theatre Company - Musicals in MUFTI
Brooklyn College Preparatory Center, New York, NY:[/url</a>]
Uarts, Philadelphia, PA:<a href="">
Vermont Vocal Arts Institute: Vermont Vocal Arts Institute :: Summer 2007 Program
Boston Conservatory, Boston, MA: 404[/url</a>]
Broadway Artists Alliance, New York, NY: Broadway Artists Alliance
Grandstreet Theatre School, Helena, MT
Notre Dame de Namur University/Broadway By the Bay, Belmont (nor cal), CA: About Music Theatre Conservatory
Stagedoor Manor Performing Arts Training Center: Stagedoor Manor - Performing Arts Camp - Acting Camp - Musical Theater Camp - Drama Camp - Theatre Camp - Theater Camp - Summer Camp - Musical Theatre Camp - Broadway Camp
Flying Swan Acting Program: Summer Performing Arts School: Flying Swan Acting Program
Boston University Summer Theatre Institute: Boston University College of Fine Arts
Northwestern's National High School Institute for Theatre and MT Extension (Cherubs): <a href="">
Long Lake Camp for the Arts: summer theater camp, performing arts camp, fine arts camp, drama camp, dance camp, music camp, rock band camp
Belvoir Terrace: Belvoir Terrace - A Fine & Performing Arts Camp for Girls. An educational camp devoted to the fine and performing arts, Photography Camp, Music Camp, Theater Camp, Ballet Camp, Dance Camp, Art Camp, Fine Art Camp
The Ranch - 3 week residential theatre camp located in Northern California; The</a> Ranch - Musical Theater Camp - Performing Arts Camp - Theater Camp - Drama Camp - Acting Camp - Singing Camp - Drama Camp - Musical Theater Summer Camp - Summer Camp</p>

<p>Our daughter is attending the Teen Intensive Acting Program at Lee Strasberg for five weeks this summer. She is absolutely thrilled that she was accepted and can't wait to get to NYC. Lucky for us she has a big sister who graduated from NYU with a BFA in drama and she has agreed to house little sister. This is so exciting as youngest d will only be a junior in high chool next fall. Thankfully this was our good news. The next day she found out what our high school musical is going to be next year: "The Music Man". She was not jumping up and down with that choice, but I told her she just needs to get busy working on her audition and it will be fine. It was an interesting choice as our high school only does a musical every other year, and there happen to be an overflow of young women with excellent voices. The number of young men is definitely much lower. Well, as I told my daughter, you just roll with it, thank your lucky stars that you got into Strasberg, and work your tail off to attempt to procure the lead.</p>

<p>Hi ... congrats on your daughter's acceptance to NYU Strasburg this summer. It's great that you were able to work-out the housing details. I just wanted to mention that playing lead roles in high school productions has little, if anything, to do with college acceptance. Nor should an over-riding desire to "procure the lead" in a summer production impact your daughter's summer experience at NYU. Rather, your daughter's focus this summer should be on learning as much as she can and fine-tuning her acting/auditioning skills, not just so she fares well at her upcoming college auditions, but so she eventually develops into the best actor (and person) she can be. I have seen many young artists (my own kid included), literally shine in the process of taking a small role and making it their own. It may sound cliche but remember: there are no small roles, only small actors. Best of luck to you!</p>

<p>Anyone have any experience with Westminster Choir College's summer programs for high school students? D is probably going to sign up for a 2 week Vocal Institute followed by a 2 week Music Theatre Intensive. Both are in July and taught by WWC's faculty. It is a non-audition residential program. D will be a rising sophomore, so I like the location and supervision of program as well as the chance to work with college faculty. Any imput will be appreciated.</p>

<p>Broadway Dance Center (NYC) is having a MT intensive August 12-17. They are still accepting applications.</p>

<p>My daughter was accepted and is so excited. It is a program that does not seem to get attention, but it is one of the top BFA Acting schools in the country. They take only 12 students for the musical theatre track. We will let everyone know at the end of the summer of her experience. </p>

<p>Link is Mason</a> Gross School of the Arts - Theater Arts</p>

<p>Brown Eyes,
Thanks for your post in response to mine. My youngest daughter is not attending the NYU Strasberg program, but actually the Strasberg Teen Acting Intensive program for five weeks in NYC at the Lee Strasberg Theatre and Film Institute. They are two separate programs, as I understand it. Gracie, our d, is too young to apply, I believe, to NYU's program. I certainly agree with you regarding small parts or large parts, Grace has had both, as has my oldest D, a Northwestern Cherub in 2003 and May 2008 graduate of NYU's Tisch School of the Arts. I must not have communicated very well with regard to the fact that Grace just was not that enthused with our high school's choice for a musical. She will still work like mad on her audition, but it's just not what she was hoping they would choose for next year. It was wonderful timing when she heard the news regarding Strasberg. I'm really not sure where you got the impression that our d has an overriding "desire to procure the lead." In fact, the last play she participated in she took a character part and stole the show in certain scenes. She has a passion for theatre, plain and simple. That being said, having gone through the process with one daughter, I can tell you it gets incredibly competitive by the time you get to the college audition phase. Anyone who thinks that universities and conservatories do not closely look at a student's prior accomplishments and opportunities is sadly mistaken. This, of course, doesn't mean that everyone who gets into a well-known program has a resume packed with accomplishments, but in such a competitive environment as it relates to musical theatre, the more experience and parts procured, the better, IMHO.<br>

<p>Bwaymom21 - Rutgers was a school our older daughter considered. You are right, it has a stellar reputation. Thank you for mentioning it on this page, as it could be a great choice for our D next summer when she will be between her junior and senior year in high school. Can you share what the deadlines were for this year, so I can place the info in my file.</p>


<p>theatredivasmom - I believe the deadline is May 15th, as stated on their website. I will let everyone know how my daughters experience is. She attended Interlochen for Musical Theatre two years ago. Last year she took a break and did an Outward Bound Wilderness Course - absolutely nothing to do with the arts :) She did come back from that with recharged batteries and a new confidence of all she is capable of.</p>

<p>To everyone - Have Fun this summer!</p>

<p>My daughter is back and I canā€™t say enough great things about the program. The actors training was unlike anything she has ever had. It was an extremely intense schedule from 8 am to 10 pm everyday with Saturday Workshops and Sunday NYC shows. It truly gave her a sense of being in College studying towards a BFA. Those that want more info can PM me.</p>

<p>I didnā€™t see Youth Sing Praise on the list ā€”
Youth Sing Praise is AN AMAZING program in Belleville Illinois, ALMOST St. Louis. Itā€™s a faith based Musical Theatre program that puts on an entire professional quality show in one week! Shows range from standard musical theatre christian shows (Godspell, Joseph, Jesus Christ Superstar ā€¦ Etc) to shows completely written for the group! ā€œChildren of Edenā€ was WRITTEN for them!</p>

<p>Hi everybody this is the first time ive ever used cc so i apologize if thereā€™s anything like this out there, but i was hoping someone could help me with summer programs. </p>

<p>I am a strong dancer/actress but my voice is definitely what needs improvement. Last summer I attended the OCU mt camp and loved it. Although I loved OCU, Id like to try a new program. I was wondering if anyone could tell me more about the following programs and what the daily schedule is like. Any opinion helps :]. Also if anyone knows how competitive these programs are to get in to. As I mentioned my voice is not where it needs to be. </p>

<p>Thanks so much! PS- I am only looking at programs that are under 3 weeks because my mom wonā€™t let me be away for longer than that. </p>

<p>Interlochen Musical Theatre Workshop ( this is my voice teachers top choice. i applied last year and did not get in. i would really like to know what the DAILY SCHEDULE is like) </p>

<p>Mpulse Musical Theatre Workshop </p>

<p>OCU Theatre Voice- this is a new program but i am scared to go to it because this is the first summer it has ever existed. </p>

<p>Also if thereā€™s any programs Iā€™m forgetting!</p>

<p>THANK YOU!</p>

<p>Triple Arts Broadway Intensive- Western Carolina University - North Carolina</p>

<p>2 week intensive! Work on singing, dancing and acting with Broadway professionals such as Terrence Mann, Charlotte dā€™Amboise, Christopher dā€™Amboise, Kelly Crandall and many more! </p>

<p>For 16-22 year olds! Very beneficial and fun! Learn original choreography from Broadway shows! Learn how to ā€œact a songā€ with Terrence Mann! Be seen by Dave Clemmons (Broadway casting director). </p>

<p>For more information contact me or look at or the Western Carolina University site.</p>

<p>My daughter is applying and auditioning for this summer program. Can anyone post about how good it is supposed to be or how difficult it is to get in?</p>

<p>Oops, new at this. I meant that she applied to and is auditioning for the MPulse program at U Michigan. Any opinions?</p>