Summer Program Big List- Data/Info - keep adding

<p>I went to CSSSA/Innerspark if anyone has any questions!</p>

<p>Amazing experience</p>

<p>My D attendend the Triple Threat Summer Intensive at Cumberland County Playhouse in Crossville, TN. It is a 2 week day camp with a daily 2 hour MT class and the rest of the focus is on dance. It is very reasonably priced and out of town participants can be housed with a local family with with a nominal contribution to them for food/transportation.<br>
Website is Cumberland</a> County Playhouse, Tennessee's Family Theater. Excellent program.</p>

<p>Has anyone attended something called Summer Theatre Institute–NYC? The website is [url=<a href=""&gt;]Youththeatreinstitues[/url&lt;/a&gt;]&lt;/p>

<p>I would also be interested. I've come across the website several times, but I'm not sure just how credible it is.</p>

<p>Has anyone here heard of the Broadway Artist Alliance (BAA) Summer Intensive? Several friends of my son are going there this summer for a one week intensive instead of a pre-college program.. JW how credible it is?? Cost is ~ $900 plus room and board in NYC. This summer the intensive is being held at Alvin Aliey studios. Thanks for any input.</p>

<p>Anyone familiar with Yale's Summer Conservatory for Actors? [url=<a href=""&gt;]Drama[/url&lt;/a&gt;] apparently they do a Musical theatre workshop as well. This is a "for college credit" program as well, and is made up of kids from pre-college up through college age.</p>

<p>i'm curious about what books people are required to get for the pre-college programs. i went to CMU last summer and had to get 3 plays, shakespeare's words, mythology, and audition.</p>

<p>I went to BAA over the summer and it was amazing. All our dance teachers were currently on broadway, We had Lea Salonga and Jonathan Groff come talk to us, Top Voice teachers, and the acting program seemed good. I was a voice major. It's a great place to make connections, learn in the vibrant city of NYC top professionals, and We got to audition and get feed back from industry. My year it was two Talent Agents and Casting Director of Spring Awakening. Some kids got sign. Wonderful program.</p>

<p>My D will be attending BAA this summer, we will be there for the second session August 3 thru the 9th. The last day is a Final Showcase in which casting directors and Agents attend. It has a very vigorous and varied program. We are excited. When we come back I'll report in to everyone.</p>

<p>Can someone lead me to the thread that has MT Schools by State. I've seen it before but can's find it in this mass of threads and post.</p>

<p>First, just like this thread is "stuck" at the top of the list of threads on the MT Forum, so is another thread:</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a>
This thread guides you to the FAQ, as well as the Big List of MT Colleges arranged by state. </p>

<p>But to just get you there directly, here is the link to the FAQ:</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>What month and where was the BAA held that your d attended</p>

<p>What a wealth of information to begin to sort through...but I am finding (looking at the latest in the big list...thread) that many of the clickable links take me to a "not found" page. I know that some programs change/take down their pages between years, but was wondering if people could put either direct web addresses or some specifics to help in the search (i.e. X program, at XYU...). </p>

<p>Also, of the programs I've found, many appear to be for age 16+ and going into senior year of HS. I've got a sophomore, who will be 15 next summer. Any good, strong programs available for younger juniors? (She's gone away since 12 to 6+ week ballet intensives, so she's way good at doing her own durn laundry and finding her way around a campus!)</p>

<p>Thanks for help...and for posting this info, everyone!</p>

<p>There are programs but they are not all "pre-college" but very good theater programs. I'll point out that your D could look into my child's summer theater program...she went there for 8 years up until heading to college and never thought to change to any other program, or pre-college one. I cannot recommend it highly enough...we think it is fantastic and it played a significant role in our child's life in this field: STAGEDOOR MANOR.</p>

<p>***However, I HIGHLY recommend, if you are interested, to sign up immediately as slots fill up around now. Many miss out who do not sign up by late September.</p>

My son went to MPulse at Michigan the summer of his sophmore year. I do not think you have to be a certain age for that program.</p>

<p>Broken links ------</p>

<p>I just want to point out that many of the links may appear broken, because often times you are being 'linked' to registration pages of years past. Generally speaking, if you eliminate all the extra web address information that follows the "////'s", and go back to the core, i.e. "<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;", you should be able to get to the respective program's home page and take things from there :). </p>

<p>mommafrog - my D attended Broadway Theatre Project as a rising junior (she had barely turned 16 at the time), and absolutely loved it. </p>

<p>The</a> Broadway Theatre Project</p>

<p>My D and I are in the process of looking at pre-college/independent summer programs and looking for any current opinions thoughts. We did read through the entire thread, which was helpful, but a lot of the particulars are a year old or older.........we would love to hear from anyone who attended, or who's child attended(recently) at CMU, mpulse, the california state run program (can't recall the name!), interlochen, etc. Does anyone feel like one program is a real "value" over another.......they are all pretty expensive!</p>

<p>Thanks so much!</p>

<p>To mybroadway baby-My son went to MPulse last summer. He totally loved it. It was exactly what he was looking for, but from talking to him, it may not be what everyone is looking for. They are in classes all day and into the evening so there is not a lot of social time. They learn a lot about the business and autditioning and how to prepare for things. This program was not about a bunch of kids getting together and showing their stuff and putting on this big performance at the end so if that is what you are looking for, it is not the place. But, if she is looking for a place to learn and the opportunity to work with great people and get great feedback and improve her own skills, then it is great. My feeling is they are looking for people who want to learn, not show what they already can do.</p>

<p>I just want to let all of our newer members know that this thread is meant to just be a listing of summer programs that is added to or revised. For all DISCUSSION of summer programs, we have another thread devoted to just that:</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Another resource would be to use the "Search" function for just the MT forum and either put in "summer" or "summer program" and many other discussions or program-specific threads come up. As well, if you search a program by NAME, there often is an existing thread discussion on it. If it happens to be affiliated with a college, that thread often can be found in the sub forum for that MT College.</p>

<p>I'm in kind of an interesting situation. I am currently a college freshman and my major is Music Education w/ a flute concentration. However, although flute is my first love and I wouldn't give it up for anything, I LOVE musical theater as well. I was in every show at my high school and I have found that I miss being on stage, a lot more than I realized I would. I have talked with my parents and (luckily)they are willing to support me so that when I finish with my Music Ed Undergrad I can somehow incorporate voice and/ or musical theater into my education either through a graduate degree (which I intended on getting anyway) or through a second bachelors, I still have a long time to decide this. I believe training in these areas will make me a better overall music educator in the long run. Anyway, I am looking for a summer program that is open to students no longer in high school. I'm going to apply to NYU's program, but I know this is a long shot. I have been lucky enough to keep up my private voice lessons (1 hour each week) with a new teacher while at college. He believes I do have a shot and thinks I'm improving, but I would like to apply to some other programs as well. I have looked at the Penn State program which seems like a good option. Is a summer program a good option now or would it be best to audition for some community shows to build a resume? If anyone as any advice it would be greatly appreciated!</p>