Summer Programs for Hispanic High School students interested in law or government

<p>I am helping some Latino sophomore students who are interested in law and government. I am trying to find them some summer programs in those two areas. I found the program by Notre Dame and the one by the Chicano Youth Leadership Project in California but I was was wondering if anyone knew any other relevant summer programs. </p>

<p>Thank you.

<p>From the Resources sticky thread:</p>

<p>[Future</a> Latino Leaders Law Camp | Hispanic National Bar Foundation](<a href=“]Future”></p>

<p>Thnks. I appreciate it. </p>

<p>by the way entomom-seniors have me going crazy with their applications. today was a big submit day for early action. I will be in touch!!</p>

<p>Yes, the boards have been going slightly crazy today! Ah, I remember it well, but not particularly fondly :(.</p>