Summer Programs That Look Good on College Applications

<p>radish it sounds like a nice program but im guessing you have to be asian/pacific islander to apply?</p>


<p>I am a CPS student college bridge doesn’t exist? Right?</p>

<p>Typhical: No you do not. I’ve attended before and there are non-asian/pacific islanders (:</p>

<p>I was recently accepted to Georgetown’s Med summer program, I have no idea how it will be. This is the first year they have offered it, hopefully it will soon be on everyone’s list of worthy summer camps.</p>

<p>hey guys can you look at and reply to my thread please. i’m really in a tight situation with my summer programs and i reallyyyy need advice
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>any free programs still accepting apps? i kinda got rejected from like most of my programs :&lt;/p>

<p>mrbh12: i’m in the same position and want to know the same answer. lol</p>

<p>We suck at life D:
I am occupied with a program for about 2 weeks out of the 3 months. Grreeeeaaaatt.
I’m thinking of just doing science research at a university (if I can figure out how to get there) or interpreting at a local Hispanic clinic
if that inspires you at all lol.</p>

<p>I’m occupied with nothing lol. I just have marching band. And you should’ve applied to MITES. I just got rejected from my 3rd summer program today. So far, 3/4 rejects :/. C’mon Carnegie Mellon Summer for Diversity! I’m also going to email professors at local universities. Was that how you planned on doing your research? Just emailing professors and offering your help?</p>

<p>For those who haven’t been accepted to camps: Jobs are a great option. Money, staying at home with friends (aka traditional summer memories), and the ability to demonstrate your work ethic–what could be more perfect?</p>

<p>We had a Director of Admissions from Brown and one from Harvard come to talk to my son and daughter’s school when they were in 8th grade. People complained that everyone is trying to outdo the other when it comes to resumes, classes, summer experiences, etc. Although they did say that grades were the most important (A in AP courses are better than an A in an honors class vs. a B in an AP class), and that eventually they were going to redo the SAT’s so that there is just an essay (since they felt that underpriviledged kids didn’t have the money for SAT tutoring so they were at an unfair advantage & the most important thing was being able to write). At any rate, a parent asked about all these summer programs, and they both said they were tired of reading about kids going to south america or wherever to build latrines, etc. They said the most attractive thing now would be the kid who actually “held a job.” As one of them said: “Whatever happened to a good old fashioned job like we all had growing
up?” Expensive, elitist camps or trips around europe or the USA that doesn’t afford at least 2-3 weeks of service, aren’t worth putting on the resume. Apparently, one girl put that she traveled by bus around the country, stopped at an Indian reservation for the day and bought a lot of jewelry and thought this was helping the Indians
then she talked about going back to the hotel and bonding with the other girls by the pool. They had some fun stories! So don’t fret, working as a pretzel salesman may not be such a bad idea!</p>

<p>OK I had been thinking this but this confirms it. The dean of admissions and financial aid at Grinnell College is in today’s Wall St Journal saying admiss officers have flipped on how they think about summer programs and now someone who works a summer job can stand out more than someone who does an international community service project or an expensive summer program.</p>

<p>Griffen: see my response posted today! It confirms it for sure!</p>

<p>I need help deciding.
MITES or TASP???</p>

<p>^ TASPlowercase here.</p>

<p>Harvard SSP or UPenn Bio Medical Research or Summer@Brown - which one is better & why? Details on positives & negatives will be helpful.</p>

<p>I have a question.
How about UCSB research internship program?
It is quite expensive, but the contents look good.
Any advice?</p>

<p>Mercersburg College Prep Camp</p>

<p>[Mercersburg</a> College Prep | Mercersburg Summer](<a href=“]Mercersburg”></p>

<p>@ Gates- im not sure which is better better ssp or Upenn but from wat i understand i think ssp is better.
As for brown, ive heard its a lot of fun but not too sure about the academics. You have a lot of unstructured free time which allows you to do watever, including going to new york for the day (my friend did this on a saturday with two others, they were there in new york for like six hours)</p>

<p>Do you know any details about UPenn Biomedical research academy? How good is it? Will it be useful etc


<p>i got into hshsp , got sent an invitation from Math USA/Canada Camp, and i personally got medical internships at UC Irvine. Which one should i do? I wanna do medical research but i dont know if hshsp offers it</p>