Summer Programs That Look Good on College Applications

<p>I wouldn’t call it “super renowned,” but it shows that you are in the 99%ile and have academic motivation. Both of those things are good. It also demonstrates that you probably have a lot of money - also good for college admissions.</p>

<p>are there any prestigious programs or competitions for students interested in finance, investment banking, economics, law, or anything in that realm?</p>

<p>What are some good and high-rated summer programs for upcoming jniors?</p>

<p>Custardapple101, it depends on what you want to do during the summer program. There are plenty of prestigious ones, just flip through the first 3-4 pages of this thread.</p>

<p>Does anybody know about the acceptance rate to Northwestern for Journalism?</p>

<p>Thanks GODZILLA!!!:)</p>

<p>Just spent the past hour going through the entire thread. I’m looking for a summer camp or internship in medicine around my area (SoCal) or anything that includes room & board.</p>

<p>What I got from many of these posts is that summer programs that are a) free or low-cost and b) competitive are the best for college apps, but I just want to do something legitimate this summer before senior year.</p>

<p>The following seem to fit my criteria, but if you know any others, please let me know.
Summer Programs:


<p>^ I have the same criteria as you except I’m interested in the tri-state area. Does anyone know of any good ones?</p>

<p>Anyone know any summer programs at NASA?</p>

<p>Junior State of America Summer School Programs at Princeton, Stanford, Georgetown, i think there’s more</p>

<p>It’s been a while that I’ve been on this side of CC, but I just wanted to say that LEAD applications are out! Whether you want to do LEAD Business (current 11th graders), LEAD Engineering (current 10th or 11th graders), or LEAD Global (current 9th & 10th graders only), go to [LEAD</a> Program](<a href=“]LEAD”> and go to the designated program you want to apply to!</p>

<p>Any questions you should go to the LEAD threads (<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt; or <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;) or ask anyone you know of whose done the program you want to do before (I did LEAD Summer Business Institute at Kellogg this past summer) </p>

<p>Good luck on your endeavors!</p>

<p>All of these are really good just very hard to get into. Check out thePSAT/ACT and SAT min for some of these before waisting time applying</p>


<p>What are some good programs for sophomores?</p>

<p>I plan on applying for TASP next year. It sounds great! </p>

<p>Though, I need something for this summer.
Are there any humanities or social sciences programs for sophomores?
Social science research programs?</p>

<p>Anyone know any good/prestigious summer schools for a upcoming junior next year?
most likely something related to poliscience, law, government that type of stuff or any internships or that type of thing to understand how these things work at a bigger organization?
(I’m a sophomore currently, so I guess keep that in mind)</p>

<p>Also, how are summer programs at ivy league schools or well known colleges such as Yale, Harvard? Anyone have positive experiences or any input on that?</p>

<p>thanks everyone!</p>

<p>^ I am in the same position.</p>

<p>I got a question: When they say recent awards and honors? Do they mean recent as in 2 or 3 years or what?</p>

<p>Yuu guys think its time to think about summer 2011. I considered the COSMOS program last summer but got rejected. I am considering to apply this year again any tips. Actually I would also like some other alternatives to Cosmos in southern Cali. Also I have another problem that needs advice. My school district changed to year round and well shoulkd I risk missing school for a life changing experience. Feedback is greatly appreciated. :D</p>

You should definitely miss school for COSMOS. I went to the UCI one and it was absolutely amazing. Many people consider it “not as prestigious”, but the experience is priceless.
I have a friend who also is at a year long school and went to COSMOS. She said that her teachers were understanding, and many were actually impressed that she went to COSMOS. Good luck and have fun applying :)</p>

<p>*Repost </p>

<p>Anyone know any good/prestigious summer schools for a upcoming junior next year?
most likely something related to poliscience, law, government that type of stuff or any internships or that type of thing to understand how these things work at a bigger organization?
(I’m a sophomore currently, so I guess keep that in mind)</p>

<p>Also, how are summer programs at ivy league schools or well known colleges such as Yale, Harvard? Anyone have positive experiences or any input on that?</p>

<p>thanks everyone!</p>


<p>Would JSA interest you?
I’m applying or JSA at Georgetown for International Relations.
They have many classes to offer in political science at Georgetown, Standford, and Princeton. Georgetown has the best speakers program.</p>

<p>Google it “Junior Statesmen of America Summer School.”</p>

<p>Hope that helped. I’m looking for other programs, too, in case this doesn’t work out.
(I too am a sophomore interesed in Political Science!)</p>

<p>Any other programs that you’re considering?</p>

<p>Hey! Thanks for the advice, I actually have checked that site out previously per mentioned by someone else on this forum that I do not recall.
Anyways, I’m wondering if that summer program is difficult to get into? Have you gone there?</p>

<p>Other programs that I would want to do would be the Harvard Summer school just for the experience just because I have heard positive remarks about the experience, but people beg to differ on the “looking good on transcript” part. </p>

<p>haha. nice that we are both sophomores and both interested in political science! xD</p>