Summer Programs That Look Good on College Applications

<p>JSA Georgetown ROCKS. And no, it is not terribly difficult to get into. I don’t know anyone who applied and didn’t get in, but then, I only know 2 other people at my school who did JSA (and they did Princeton and Stanford). I did it between my freshman and sophomore years, and had so so so much fun. I really bonded with a lot of people, and had an awesome time in classes. Food was not great. I actually got kind of sick from the dining hall food once, cuz it’s so unhealthy that my body just flat rejected it. But other than that, the program is really, really, really worth it.
(My year, '07, we all met with our senators, except there was a filibuster so a lot of them were too wiped to actually show. The Illinois kids didn’t get to meet Obama, but the New York kids saw him debating after coming out of their session. Jealousy was had by all.)
Basically, it’s a really awesome experience. And the dorm rooms have individual bathrooms. Think about it.</p>

<p>@kaos93, is JSA Georgetown significantly better than JSA Princeton?</p>

<p>cool thanks for the info. ill definitely look into that more</p>

<p>Harvard Summer School and WTP
are they both super selective and hard to get into? which one is easier?</p>

<p>Harvard Summer School is easy to get into. WTP is much more selective and much more challenging. If you get into WTP you should probably go.</p>

<p>for JSA, what’s the difference between Georgetown I and Georgetown II?</p>


<p>@ChillyPenguin, I haven’t been, but I’m presuming that the only difference is the dates. </p>

<p>I have a question about JSA, too. How many people are in each session/class? If there are only four classes offered, are there multiple sections of one class?</p>

<p>What looks better on college apps:
attending stanford summer school for 8 weeks
or attending sumac for 3</p>

im also a tad bit confused on what each course covers…etc. because i can’t find it on the JSA website? thanks</p>

<p>Hi everyone! I attended the Harvard Summer Program this past summer, and it truly was an amazing experience. There is no better way to learn what college life is like then to actually be there.
They offered great science and social science classes! Their wide range of classes specialize in almost every career field. Although I do not know how difficult/easy it is to get accepted to the program, there were more than 1,000 high school students, and 4,000 undergrad students altogether in one summer.
I would highly recommend attending there, and they have great financial aid. The total cost of two classes plus room and board is less than $10K, but they offered me $5,000 and my total family income is $30K. I even know some people who got full financial aid there, without applying through the Questbridge Program.</p>

<p>^^ Wow I can’t believe your parents spent a sixth of their income to send you to a summer program! I wish my parents would do that.</p>

<p>Anyways, someone should start a thread on 2011 Clark Scholars. Last year’s thread was one of the most popular in the Summer Programs forum. Admissions is extremely competitive (<7%), since you get paid $750 to spend 7 weeks in Texas. All the past scholars do well in competitions such as Siemens/Intel. 4 of the 12 scholars last year are now attending Harvard or Stanford.</p>

<p>Here is the website link for anyone who’s interested: [TTU</a> Clark Scholars Program](<a href=“]TTU”> Again, I recommend someone starting an official thread if they want to discuss anything about the application. Good luck!</p>

<p>^ Is the Clark scholars for seniors only?</p>

<p>if i do clark scholars, can i submit that project i do there for siemens or would i have to do even more work!?</p>



<p>It is for current juniors and seniors (rising seniors & college freshmen).</p>



<p>Last year, everyone who submitted their projects won either Intel or Siemens semifinalists. So yes you can.</p>

<p>If you have any more questions, just start a Clark Scholars 2011 thread. That way we don’t have to clutter this one.</p>

<p>hey everyone? is there some scholarship based summer program for the subject of and related to Biology ( like bi-technological sc, medicine etc) for international students>? umm…please recommend!</p>

<p>@Rewant24: See above program. Clark Scholars accepts international students as well. It is free to attend and 4 students last year did research in biology/medicine.</p>

<p>so the summer program I’m applying to requires “essays” (well around 300 words) - very similar of not the same as college essays</p>

<p>the problem is I have never written essays like this before… do you guys have any advice?</p>

<p>I’m not whether or not I should enroll in a summer program this summer.
I’ve been taking summer classes at UCR for two summers, and at Harvard’s SSP.
The only place I would like to take classes with over the summer would be my college for fall 2011. Should I let this summer slide and cherish it with my family? Or would it be better to get a head start for college?</p>

<p>I don’t want to attend summer classes at a college that I won’t attend, it’ll ruin my excitement for my fall 2011 LOL :)</p>

<p>im also a tad bit confused on what each course covers…etc. because i can’t find it on the JSA website? thanks</p>

<p>Is Clark Scholars only for Texas residents? Or can anybody apply?</p>