Summer scholars or shadowing..Please advise!

<p>Hi ...</p>

<p>Need some advise from all of you on what looks good...</p>

<p>I'm a Sophmore.Thinking of looking into shadowing at a local clinic this summer or going to U of Miami's summer scholars program. Which one do you all think carries more weight?</p>

<p>Appreciate any feedback.</p>

<p>Its not what looks good. Its what interests you. Do both.</p>

<p>i’d go for the shadowing. that’s just me though. i feel like those scholars things are just out to get your money.</p>

<p>do both…i mean, if its a local clinic you can do it whenever you want whereas summer scholars is probably just 3-8 week program.
but if push comes to shove and you have to choose one or the other, you should do summer scholars.</p>