Summer undergrad research VS Research course

<p>Do adcoms value summer undergrad research over research done for a 4th year full-time research course, or vice verse?</p>

<p>I think the idea is to do research that you’re not doing for a grade, so the summer research option would be better, but I’m not sure about this. Perhaps someone could confirm.</p>

<p>I did a summer research project (but it wasn’t a SURP) and two years of research for grades. No one seemed to care about the difference between the two types of experience.</p>

<p>Can research for grades result in a paper at the end, just as ordinary summer research can?</p>

<p>No. Despite the fact you did everything in the project, your PI will just give the paper to a random person in the lab.</p>

<p>^Although you can have a cagematch fight to the death for the right to get your name on the paper if that happens (at least at my school).</p>


Is there a reason for that? Would the paper go to someone else even if you wrote the whole paper?</p>

<p>ysk1, that was a joke.</p>

<p>:cool: .</p>