Summer vs. Fall 2009

<p>What is the advantage of applying for one versus the other?</p>

<p>I think if you apply for summer, you are just there for the summer and you don’t continue into fall. But if you apply for fall and they offer you summer admission, then its basically a smaller campus atmosphere, virtually any kind of housing you want, and I hear its a lot of fun. I have a couple of friends who attended summer 08 because they didn’t get in for fall, but they are regular students. </p>

<p>by the way, are you persian? your username “sadaf” is a persian name</p>

<p>if you start in the summer, you are guaranteed admission to the fall - you just start one semester earlier and get to be ahead</p>

<p>i think the summer is basically for all the applicants who aren’t top 10% in Texas because i did not meet many people from out of state…i’m also pretty sure i’m the only one who had applied to the summer instead of the fall</p>

<p>i really encourage applying for the summer because it was so much fun meeting new people (and going to all 8 weeks of orientation parties) and it is really the perfect half step before the rest of the 50,000 people step foot on campus in the fall…you learn about programs before everyone else does which therefore gives you an advantage when you apply to a program…if you’re looking to join a fraternity/ sorority, you get to meet some people beforehand and that is definitely a plus since you have more time to find out which is right for you…the summer courses are not bad at all, its still definitely easier than high school and Thursday becomes the new Friday and i just really had a lot of fun</p>

<p>etan, do you know if transfers who apply for fall will be offered summer if for some reason they don’t make the cut for fall admission?</p>

<p>TMT90: No I am not Persian, lol. I know it is a Persian name though.
etan: Thanks, that’s the kind of answer I was looking for. I don’t think I am a weak applicant…I am probably in the higher range of SAT Scores etc. I wanted to do some courses earlier basically…get a head start I guess.</p>

Did you specifically apply to the Summer '08 program or were you admitted to the summer instead of the fall? My daughter will be applying for the fall of '10 but we have heard such great things about the summer program that she wouldn’t mind starting in the summer. We weren’t aware that you could apply sepcifically to start in the summer.</p>

<p>Neither was I cheermom. I also applied for fall, but I thought applying in summer meant specifically summer only. I wouldn’t mind starting in the summer at all.</p>

<p>Hopefully we will get some clarification :)</p>

<p>so if im in the top 25% of my class and have near 2000 sat would i be offered summer school then?</p>

<p>rawkfist, my friend has those stats and she was admitted for summer school. But second semester her rank dropped to top 50% yet they never revoked admission.</p>

<p>how many people get into the summer school?</p>