SUNY Engineering Recommendations

D23 is interested in ME, and finances probably mean this will mean SUNY (maybe CUNY but probably not).

What are your impression of ME at the various SUNY schools? New Paltz has a smaller program, but she is interested in it in particular for a few reasons. Where does it fit into the mix? How does to compare to UB, SB, Bing?

If our D23 is not wedded to ME then she should include SUNY ESF in the mix. It is located adjacent to Syracuse University so you get the advantage of a small school in a big school setting. The degree programs are excellent, especially for STEM interested students.
Also, I know many graduates who went on to excellent graduate schools. They seem to like ESF grads very much.

I had not thought of ESF, but will. Looks more limited, but still interesting.

But the landscape for SUNY engineering? NP status in it?