SUNY Purchase for Liberal Arts?


Wondering about SUNY Purchase for rising senior daughter who is undecided but drawn to poli sci, history, philosophy, (also criminal justice and journalism).

The size of the school and the refuge-like campus, proximity to NYC, and reasonable OOS tuition are all draws.

She is academically very motivated and looking for serious challenge in the liberal arts, with lots of discussion in classes etc. She would like a peaceful campus but not too far away from a reasonably sized city.

Would SUNY Purchase fit this bill?

Thank you

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I believe it would- we have seen a few shows at SUNY Purchase and I thought it was nice. I would also look at SUNY New Paltz. It’s further from NYC but I know students who attended and they went into the city to see shows, etc.

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SUNY Purchase has a big program for the arts. But could work for traditional liberal arts as well. I would check to see what percentage of students commute to SUNY Purchase versus the residential student population.

Agree with @twogirls that SUNY New Paltz is also worth a look.


Good point! There are dorms but not sure what the requirements are. It is a big school for the arts and I was pleasantly surprised to see a lot of different majors.

What are her stats? I’m sure it’s a fine school but it’s a less competitive admit and likely less competitive student. That doesn’t = not very good.

You might check student reviews on niche. I can’t link but google purchase college plus niche and scroll to the bottom. You can do the same for new paltz.

What state are you from ? Depending on stats and budget you might find some private schools as well although not as inexpensive.

I was looking to the common data set for actual info but it seems hidden. But here’s gpa and test stats and you can compare vs New Paltz.

I don’t know any students at Purchase but the students at SUNY New Paltz are pretty good academically, imo.

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Didn’t say not good at Purchase …just less competitive. The SUNY stats for all schools on the second link bear this out. New Paltz definitely more competitive. We don’t know where OP’s student sits but know she wants a serious academic situation.

Both my kids go to safeties and while there’s many kids at each not serious, one found those kids through engineering. The other, like OP, is a social science and found her tribe academically via Honors programs.

Looks like New Paltz has an Honors program but purchase not but you can graduate with Honors. Hopefully if OP visits one, they can visit both based on your recommendations.

Do you all think a Ramapo in NJ (with merit) or with stellar stats that via merit a Hofstra (you can see merit on the net price calculator) and Manhattan might be others to examine ? Not as inexpensive I’m sure but depending on budget ?

This is great, thank you and I will check out New Paltz.

She doesn’t have test stats yet, her GPA is 8.8, only 4 APs I think (school limits how many she takes) and strong but not stellar extracurriculars (I think).

Great point about Honors.

Forgot to say, I’m not sure about budget. I’m still trying to figure out whether to be as frugal as possible, or to spend more than we technically would have to in order to expand options.

We’re from Oregon and she is really interested in getting off the West Coast. Although we are looking at schools here too.

When your school doesn’t allow extreme rigor, it won’t be held against.

At many ECs won’t matter. I can’t find a purchase common data set. New Paltz current one doesn’t work but the pdf from 3 years ago show they are considered. Section c7. If she has one or two with depth it’s fine.

Note it’s not yet updated but SUNY had a two week free apply last year. So you can apply to several :). Then visit !!

Does she just want NYC or other near big city too ? A lot of these ‘regional’ schools will be very geographically non diverse with many going home regularly ? Personally I’d worry about that. Purchase is a leader in theatre though so I bet people come from far.

What is the budget ?oh I see your comment. Does she have a test - sat/act?

Haven’t seen an 8.8. Is that out of 10 - so B+ ish ?

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The percentage of commuters at Hofstra should be researched as well.


Fair enough - I’ve read too about Hofstra but it makes many OOS lists including my daughter’s initial and other friends in TN.

My daughter first noticed because we were driving in Scranton and craziest thing- parents were buying billboard space to announce college plans. And one of the first three or four we saw was congrats so and so on Hofstra. It was years b4 application time but one of the first she noted to put on her list. And other friends wanting to be in the nyc area had too. The merit is aggressive. Crazy that parents but billboards to announce college. That’s crazy !!

. Honestly I don’t know the # of commuters at each and haven’t researched. My point being that these kind of regional schools Vs say the ‘flagship types ’ of Bing or Buff would be more homogenous geographically and thus create this. Or a Ramapo vs Rutgers.

But just a hypothesis. I haven’t looked into it.

That is so interesting about the billboards! I will check out Hofstra too, I have heard of it but not looked into. Will also look into Ramapo. Thanks!

@happy1 makes a great point about suitcase. And didn’t mean to hijack but because @twogirls suggestion of new Paltz is great. Hofstra will tell you merit on the NPC or did a few years back.

It’s likely different for every student but I’d imagine a more regional / local school like these is not geographically diverse and might have kids constantly going home and may be tough for someone from farther away vs a higher profile school but again don’t know your student and I may be off base.

I was thinking W Chester PA might be another of these type for Philly but a Delaware more the ‘name’ or larger drawing type school….if other cities were up for debate.

Apologies to @twogirls for introducing others and changing course a bit.

Ps the billboard thing was over the top. Only place (Scranton on I 81) I saw it but there were several - one per kid. Crazy.

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Look at TCNJ. You can also look at Rutgers, but I need to warn you that it’s huge. Students can take the train into NYC (NJ Transit, New Brunswick station).

What about CUNY- Hunter College? They have undergrad dorms. I don’t know if being in the middle of Manhattan is what you have in mind.

Also look at Stony Brook University, but be sure to do some research about how many leave on the weekends (not sure).

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I do think Hunter has mostly commuters. And Stony Brook has a reputation for students going home for the weekend. Again, if the OP is interested this can be researched.

It would help to know the student’s academic stats.

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The liberal arts division of Purchase College represents, by design, the basic model you appear to be seeking. As an indication of this, it may be the only SUNY ranked by U.S. News in the National Liberal Arts category. In terms of your daughter’s academic interests, history, for example, is a popular major there; and Purchase recently graduated more philosophy majors than Williams.

One drawback might be a surburban location in which the college isn’t a prominent driver of a local atmosphere of particular interest to college students. The importance of this might depend on how often your daughter seeks out the attractions of Manhattan.

Considering Purchase College in a very general, statistical sense, its acceptance rate of 75% may indicate a somewhat academically varied student body in the classroom.


From above.

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What about Montclair University?

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I was thinking - don’t forget about WUE. You pay 150% of the in state tuition so this might give you city or city accessible, distance from home, and hit budget - whatever it is.

Let’s say - History as an example. 79 qualify. It includes in city schools like Alaska Anchorage, Sacramento State, CU Colorado Springs and Denver plus Metropolitan State Denver, U of Hawaii, UNLV, U of New Mexico, and U of Utah.

I don’t think it’s automatic but perhaps there’s a chance. Once you develop a budget, you’ll be able to determine more of your options but this is just another avenue.

WUE Savings Finder - WICHE

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