Suny University at Buffalo or CUNY Baruch/Queens College

<p>just got accepted into Suny University at Buffalo. They have given me 10 days to send in my deposit. I still didn’t hear back from the Cuny Baruch or Queens College. I was interested in the Cuny schools as well but wasn’t sure if their reputation would affect my chances at medical schools.</p>

<p>A little about myself: I am a currently moving towards my sophomore year. I still need to take my prerequisites so general chemistry, organic chemistry, physics and biology. Would Buffalo be a better match for me? The last thing I want is to end up at a school I don’t feel comfortable at, and having a negative consequence on my grades. I am probably most interested in pharmacology or a business major.</p>

<p>Also, anyone currently attending buffalo, would you mind sharing your experience. Are the professors hard? Do they weed you out of premedical? I heard some bad things about their south campus so how is that? Would you say its difficult to maintain a 3.7 + while doing research and extracurricular? How does buffalo compare with other sunys such as binghamton and geneseo on the premed scale?</p>

<p>From what I know about med school admission, the undergraduate school that you attend is NOT a factor for admission. It’s all about the GPA and MCATs.I would think, however, that if you have a superlative GPA and mediocre MCATs, you might have a slightly better chance attending an undergrad institution with a med school due to the connections with that med school. However, I would think that this benefit is so slight that attending a school just for this possibility isn’t worth it.</p>