SUNY Upstate Accelerated Scholars

Are there 2 different interview sessions today at SUNY upstate?

For the ppl who attended the Jan 27th interview, when did they say we would hear back from Upstate? And did Mrs. Ripa go into any detail as to how admissions worked?

thought you were there for the jan 27th interview! was thinking of asking you the above questions :wink:
did you change your date?

@Zephyr212 I was there being interviewed but parents were at a session taking place at the same time where Mrs. Ripa was discussing the program with them. Wanted to know if anyone else had some extra information regarding the selection process.

Interview seemed to be fairly straightforward, the people were very nice and just wanted to hold a conversation about the prompts. In all honesty you don’t need to prepare or stress about the interview. Its all about your experiences and your morals, that’s stuff you really can’t develop in a matter of weeks. Obviously touch up on medical ethics and consider why you want to be a doctor, and be confident in your answers. Upstate really cares about you and wants you there (they only selected 15 max for any school so if you’ve made it this far you’re definitely worth something!)

Also the med school looks awesome I’d love to go here if accepted!

Good luck!

[quote=“PathophysiologyFTW, post:24, topic:2080272”]

@Zephyr212 I was there being interviewed but parents 

@PathophysiologyFTW thanks for your feedback. Good Luck to all of us!!

@PathophysiologyFTW Hey! I had a couple of questions regarding the program if ya dont mind?

@zephyr212 Hey! I had a couple of questions regarding the program if ya dont mind?

@hermionea Hey! Ualbany gang. When is your interview?

My S’s interview is also on 2/10. He was referred by ACPHS.

@gradedu may i talk to your son regarding the program



Are you required to submit clinical campus option before acceptance or after acceptance?

@PathophysiologyFTW congratulations! Did Ms. Ripa call you? Did she say she had called everyone accepted into SUNY Poly? Thanks!

@BAMDHopeful she only said congrats and that I’d be receiving an email with more information later. Did u also apply for SUNY Poly and interview last week?

@PathophysiologyFTW yes, and yes. I’ll find out tomorrow.

Hi all - congratulations on the interview and/or acceptance !!

Quick question - were most of the interviewees from NY or were there some from out of state too ?

Just trying to get a pulse if OOS also has decent opportunity


@helperdad I was from Texas and there were kids from Montana and Vermont and NJ. There were also a lot of NY kids

Hello folks, has anyone received an email of acceptance or rejection?


Have you received any email of acceptance with acceptance details?

@screenshot phone call followed by an email of acceptance. I expect more acceptances are coming out as interviews are still going on.