SUNY Upstate UAS (BS/MD) Program Fall 2022

Last cycle had a thread, so decided to start one for this year too!

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any updates from applicants to Upstate UAS?

Did they start sending out acceptances from the sceond interview date.

interviewed on the second date and haven’t gotten anything yet

Same. Mid Feb interview. Is it 2 weeks or 4 weeks before we hear back?

not sure honestly, but I do remember hearing that it’d be anywhere from 3-6 weeks until decisions come out after a given interview date. hoping it’s soon!

Did they start sending out acceptances from the sceond interview date.

Idk. Unlike prior years, not too many contributors to this thread. Have you called the UAS office for the notification timeline?

My S was accepted through to UAS through SUNY Poly. Interview was in January.

Accepted! Interviewed Feb

congrats! which feeder?


Congratulations !!

Got in through UAlbany :slight_smile:

Should we assume rejection if we haven’t heard anything yet and interviewed in Feb?

Congratulations to all those accepted and good luck to all those who are in the process. What is the best way for accepted folks to create a group to remain in touch?

Hi all! Congratulations to those who got accepted!!! I have an interview for SUNY Upstate’s UAS program next week. Was just wondering if they asked any ethical related questions during the interview? Any tips on preparation?


Has such a chat been set up to connect yet?

After accepting the offer, did you receive an email to pay the deposit fee?